Monday 10 December 2018

Senior Unit Update Week 9 Term 4

Yes it is and as we wrap up the year there are still things we need to get done to finish of the year strong.

Our sessions of Bike Ed has finished now and we would love to have you come and get your bikes. It was excellent to have the bikes and has made for a great sessions. Bikes can be picked up any day this week. Again thanks for sending the bikes in for the Bike Ed sessions.

As part of the closing off of the year we will be playing the movie Wonder. Mrs Eckermann's class has read the novel this term and it will be a great chance to see how it translates to a movie and if it says true to the book. The movie is rated PG so we wanted to inform our community.

End of Term 4
  • Wednesday 12 December last day of school for 2018. 
At 2.00pm the formal End of Year and Graduation Service will be held in Taikondi at Immanuel School.  
This is the school’s end of year Worship and Praise and Christmas service, plus the year 6 & 7 students will be acknowledged and fare-welled in front of the whole school.  All parents, family and friends are welcome to attend.
  • On Thursday 13 December we will hold the Year 6 & 7 Celebration Night.  This special function is for all year 6 & 7 students, their parents / caregivers and our staff. Starting at 6.00pm

Last thought of the year

Isn't it weird how the object of golf is to play the least amount of golf.

Whole School Reminders Week 9 Term 4

Whole school reminders/updates:
It is here…..the last week of 2018!
This is the last Monday Email for 2018.  There will be a Newsletter going home Tuesday 11-12-18
Our staff wish all our families a blessed Christmas and safe and fun holiday break
Lost Property
  • Sports Jumpers,  Green Jumpers, hats, water bottles, lunch boxes, left over swimming week items
  • Here in the office for collection
Semester 2 Reports
  • Semester 2 reports will be sent home on Tuesday 11 December in a sealed envelope addressed to parents.  (Students have been told not to open them.)   PLPs and music tuition reports will also be included in the package
Tuesday 11 December – Casual Day
  • Students can wear sun smart Casual Clothes and bring in a gold coin donation to support CANTEEN (helping young people with Cancer).  You can wear a Bandanna too! 
  • You can wear sports uniform if you choose not to wear casual clothes
End of Term 4
  •  Last day is Wednesday 12 December 2018
  • At 2pm the formal End of Year and Graduation Service will be held in Taikondi.    
    This service includes the farewell of leaving staff, Graduation of our Year 6 and Year 7 students and our Closing Worship and Praise with Christmas celebrations.
  • All students will be involved in some way
  • Parents, family and friends are invited to attend too and celebrate the end of year and wish our year 6 and 7 students farewell.   
  • Students are to wear their formal summer school uniform on Weds (except for foundation and year 1 students who will wear sports uniform).
  • Students will return to their class following the service and then will be dismissed at 3.25pm.
Student Free Day Thursday 13 December our school staff will be facilitating OHSC 7am to 6pm – $25 for a full day. Bookings have now closed
OHSC arrangements from Friday 14 December
  • CAMP Australia will be offering OHSC from Friday 14/12/18 to Friday 21/12/18 and then Monday 7/1/19 to Friday 25/1/19 –– please book via 
OHSC arrangements from 2019
  • From the start of the 2019 school year Immanuel will be operating our own OSHC and Vac Care (callediGOSH).  Mrs Katrina Ponte is the Director of iGOSH.
  • Details about the service, the hours, the fees and how to make bookings are now available via our website
  • Student enrolment forms are available from the school front office or on the website.  Click here to download the form. 
  • All iGOSH bookings are to be made online:  using the booking code KTQQ3.
2019 class teachers
Foundation:  Mr Blasche, Miss Gross, Miss Pfeiffer
Year 1:         Mrs Jones, Mrs Manning, Mrs Roberts
Year 2:         Mr Lord, Miss Treasure
Year 3:         Mrs Parish, Mr Newton, Mrs Rollings
Year 4:         Mr Davies, Mr Jones
Year 5:         Mrs Kreymborg, Mr Tiller
Year 6:         Mrs Eckermann, Mr Semmler
Diary Dates for 2019 
·         Office open for payment of Accounts on Friday 11 January  9am to 4pm  
·         School Uniform Shop Open
Friday 11 January  9am to 3pm
Tuesday 22 January 9am to 3pm  
Thursday  24 January 9am to 3pm
Or by appointment
·         School returns Tuesday 29 January 2019
·         Information Evening for all classes Wednesday 30 January 2019  6.45pm
1:1 iPad Program
·         For those families who missed the Information Session about the 2019 1:1 iPad program we have now uploaded the powerpoint presentation onto the schools website.  Click here
·         If you need more  information, please contact Andrew Boesch (PYP & Learning Coordinator)
·         Re:  iPad covers.  The school will be providing iPads, but covers are to be purchased by families to allow for student ownership and individual taste.  If you want to purchase something over the holidays the iPad specifications are:  6th Gen iPad, 9.7 inch (Model No.: A1893).  There are a number of strong, sturdy and durable cases on the market such as Shockproof, Otterbox or Survivor.   (Please note: Students in Year 6 will not require an iPad cover as their iPads will remain property of the school once these students have left). 
Private Instrumental Lessons
  • If your child has received private instrumental lessons this year, could you please complete the following survey so we can continue to strive for a great music program here at Immanuel.
  • Please follow the link:  or QR code: (attach the QR code if possible!)     Thank you Dwayne Hueppauff

Wednesday 5 December 2018

Senior Unit Update Week 8 Term 4

The term is drawing to a close rapidly and while we are all looking forward to the holidays and Christmas we still have some things to do here at school.

Some Highlights for the rest of the week

- Recess Mini Concerts

- Last Bike Ed Session

- Xavier Transition visit for Year 7's on Friday and Year 6's next Monday (I am pretty sure that's the right way around.)

- Work to complete

- Pack up to begin

So that's all we have this week but there may be more...

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Whole School Update Week 8 Term 4

P&F Meeting
·         The
final P&F Meeting for 2018 will be held Wednesday 5 December 2018 at 7.00pm in the staffroom
Carers Christmas Stall
  • Thursday 6 December 2.15 - 4.00pm in Taikondi
  • Christmas gifts and items priced from $1 for students and families to browse and shop from
Junior Youth
·         Thursday, 6 December 2018 will be the last Junior Youth for 2018
New Staff 2019
  • We are pleased to be able to announce two new staff for 2019.
  • In Foundation we welcome Ms Alecia Gross. Alecia has been teaching for around 10 years and has specific skills in Languages (other than English).
  • We also welcome Mr Richie Cochrane who comes to us with a bit over 10 years of experience. Richie will hold a number of responsibilities and roles across our school ranging from the integration of IT in our learning programmes through to PE and Wellbeing.
Worship & Praise
·         9am Friday 7 December 2018 with Miss Pfeiffer’s Foundation Class
Recess time concerts this week 11.10-11.40am
·         Tuesday 4 Dec - with Dallas (piano and singing)
·         Wednesday 5 Dec  - with Kira (violin), Karen (Piano), Shane (Guitar)
·         Thursday 6 Dec -  with Karen (Piano),
·         Friday 7 Dec  - with Cameron (Guitar) and Zed (Drums)
Zion Preschool Christmas Concerts
·         Held
at Immanuel in Taikondi on Tuesday & Wednesday, 4 & 5 December 2018, commencing at 5.00pm.
  Please be aware of this if you are picking up your child from OHSC Tues or Weds. 
Library Books Return
·         All Library books need to be returned by this Friday, 7 December 2018.  Unfortunately there are so many overdue books.  Please check the car, bedroom, lounge room and areas where Immanuel Library books may be hiding.
·         Overdue Notices are being sent home to advise further details.
ADVENT EVENING @ Immanuel School
  • Sunday 9 December 2018 4.30pm to 7.30pm
  • Invitation extended from Gawler Lutheran Church to Immanuel School Gawler families
  • Shared tea followed with Music by Bel Thomson.  Click here to find out more.
End of Term 4
  • Wednesday 12 December last day of school for 2018
At 2.00pm the formal End of Year and Graduation Service will be held in Taikondi at Immanuel School.  This is the school’s end of year Worship and Praise and Christmas service, plus the year 6 & 7 students will be acknowledged and farewelled in front of the whole school.  All parents, family and friends are welcome to attend.
Student Free Day Thursday 13 December our school staff will be facilitating OHSC 7am to 6pm – $25 for a full day. Please register your interest / bookings via Jenny in the office by Friday 7/12/18
OHSC arrangements from Friday 14 December
  • CAMP Australia will be offering OHSC from Friday 14/12/18 to Friday 21/12/18 and then Monday 7/1/19 to Friday 25/1/19 –– please book via 
OHSC arrangements from 2019
  • From the start of the 2019 school year Immanuel will be operating our own OSHC and Vac Care (callediGOSH).  Mrs Katrina Ponte is the Director of iGOSH.
  • Details about the service, the hours, the fees and how to make bookings are now available via our website
  • Student enrolment forms will be available from the school front office from tomorrow
  • All iGOSH bookings are to be made online:  using the booking code KTQQ3.
2018 Fee Accounts
  • It is an expectation that all arrears on accounts will be finalised before 12-12-18 unless a payment plan has been approved with the Business Manager
2019 School Fees
  • The 2019 Fee Agreement is due to be returned to the school office by Wednesday 5-12-18   
Diary Dates for 2019 
·         Office open for payment of Accounts on Friday 11 January  9am to 4pm  
·         School Uniform Shop Open
Friday 11 January  9am to 3pm
Tuesday 22 January 9am to 3pm  
Thursday  24 January 9am to 3pm
Or by appointment
·         School returns Tuesday 29 January 2019
·         Information Evening for all classes Wednesday 30 January 2019  6.45pm