Monday 26 November 2018

Senior Unit Update Week 7 Term 4

A few notes for today but not much

End of Term 4
  • Wednesday 12 December last day of school for 2018. 
At 2.00pm the formal
End of Year and Graduation Service 
will be held in Taikondi at Immanuel School.  This is the school’s end of year Worship and Praise and Christmas service, plus the year 6 & 7 students will be acknowledged and farewelled in front of the whole school.  All parents, family and friends are welcome to attend.
  • On Thursday
    13 December
     we will hold the Year
    6 & 7 Celebration Night
    .  This special function is for all year 6 & 7 students, their parents / caregivers and our staff. (Invitations are being sent home today via students in an envelope – please RSVP by Thursday 6 December.)

Last thought
The new Google self driving cars should have a ‘I’m feeling lucky’ button, and when you pressed it, it would drive you somewhere random.

Whole School Reminders Week 7 Term 4

Whole school reminders/updates:
Swimming Lessons
  • Every day this week for students in Found to Yr 5 so please arrive to school on time. 
  • Students can wear their swimwear to school, under their choice of sports or formal uniform.  Remember the towel,goggles and dry underwear and a pair of thongs to wear to/from the swimming centre if easier for them
  • Parents are welcome to attend and watch from Wednesday to Friday
  • Times of classes are:
9:30am to10:10am Yr 1 Roberts
9.30am to 10.30am Yr 3 Parish, Yr 4 Davies
10:30am to 11:10am Yr 1 Jones/Manning
10.30am to 11.30am Yr 3 Newton/Rollings, Yr 4 Hueppauff
11.30am to 12.30pm Yr 5 Tiller, Yr 5 Freund
11.10am to 11.50am Foundation Wain
11.50am to 12.30pm Foundation Pfeiffer
12.30pm to 1.10pm Yr 2 Treasure, Yr 2 Lord & Foundation Blasche
iPad / IT Information for 2019 Session Wednesday
28 November at 7:00pm
 in Taikondi
  • For Parents of current Year 3, 4 & 5 students  
  • The session will last about one hour and provide information on next year’s 1:1 iPad / IT program .  Click here for more info
NO SAKG program this week due to swimming
NO Worship & Praise this week due to Swimming     
Mental Health & Wellbeing Workshop
Carers Christmas Stall
  • Thursday 6 December 2.15-4.00pm
  • Christmas gifts and items priced from $1 for students and families to browse and shop from
ADVENT EVENING @ Immanuel School
  • Sunday 9 December 2018 4.30pm to 7.30pm
  • Invitation extended from Gawler Lutheran Church to Immanuel School Gawler families
  • Shared tea followed with Music by Bel Thomson.  Click here to find out more.  
End of Term 4
  • Wednesday 12 December last day of school for 2018. 
At 2.00pm the formal End of Year and Graduation Service will be held in Taikondi at Immanuel School.  This is the school’s end of year Worship and Praise and Christmas service, plus the year 6 & 7 students will be acknowledged and farewelled in front of the whole school.  All parents, family and friends are welcome to attend.
Student Free Day Thursday 13 December our school staff will be facilitating OHSC 7am to 6pm – $25 for a full day.  Please register your interest / bookings via Jenny in the office by Weds 5/12/18. 
OHSC arrangements from Friday 14 December
  • CAMP Australia will be offering OHSC from Friday 14/12/18 to Friday 21/12/18 and then Monday 7/1/19 to Friday 25/1/19 –– please book via 
  • From the start of the 2019 school year (Tuesday 29/1/19) Immanuel will be operating our own OSHC and Vac Care. We thank Camp Australia for the provision of their service for many years.    Immanuel now has our own accreditation to operate and our Director will be Mrs Katrina Ponte.  More details and how to book for 2019 will be available soon. 
Music lessons 2019
  • We have several music tutors who come to Immanuel and provide private lessons in Piano, Flute, Guitar, Ukulele, Drums, Violin, Recorder and Singing. 
  • If you are interested in your child beginning private instrumental lessons in 2019 please register your interest by completing the attached Instrumental form.   If you need any further information please contact Mr Dwayne Hueppauff (Music Teacher).   

Monday 19 November 2018

Senior Unit Update Week 6 Term 4

Exhibition is over! It was a great exhibition that was put on and congratulations to everyone for their hard work. It was excellent to see all the people who came through to have a look at what had been done and to hear the comments about the work. While we are still in the final stages of packing up after exhibition we remembered that there is still 4 weeks of term left to go and plenty to be done. Here is a rundown of some of the things ahead.

Faith Challenge
This Friday the Faith Challenge team will go to Faith to compete in athletic events. We wish all the students involved the best of luck and hope they do their best.

Senior Unit Movie Night
Tonight a form came home about a Senior Unit Movie night. Organised by some Senior Unit students it will a great chance to spend time together in a relaxed event. We hope to see you there.


Dear Parent and Caregivers

As we close on our time in the Senior Unit we are organising a movie night to celebrate our time together. This is an initiative of Senior Unit students and will provide an opportunity to spend time together in a social setting before they go their separate ways.
The idea for the night is to have some oval games, spend time together and watch “The Greatest Showman” to help celebrate our time together.

We are looking at having some pizza for tea on the night.

Senior Unit Movie Night
When: Friday 30th of November 2018
Where: Senior Unit
Cost: $2.50 to help pay for pizza

Time table for the night
4.30 – Arrival and Oval games
5.30 – Pizza and Movie
7.30 – Pick up

We are looking forward a great night and celebration together.

Yours in Christ

Porsha Graham, Scarlett Knight, Seb Hyde and Ben Jones


My child _________________________ is able to attend the Senior Unit Movie night on Friday the 30th of November.

Parent/Caregivers signature: ____________________________

Exhibition pictures

Final Thought
While “don’t you dare” is grammatically fine, “do not you dare” just sounds plain wrong.

Whole School Update Week 6 Term 4

Whole school reminders/updates:

A busy week is planned ahead with Year 3’s on excursion Tuesday, Year 2’s on excursion Wednesday, Foundations on excursion Friday and Faith Challenge (Sports day) on Friday for selected students. 

Garage Sale – Saturday 24 November @ Immanuel
  • 8am to 1pm - in the courtyard between the year 6/7’s and admin building
  • Sausage Sizzle too! – let your relatives and friends know!
  • Coordinated by the year 3’s and 4’s to raise funds for ‘those on our sick list at Immanuel.’
  • Families are welcome to help donate any of their unwanted household items.  (Items need to be clean and not broken; it can be furniture, toys, kitchenware, tools, books etc.) 
  • You can bring any small items to school from Tuesday 20 Nov, and bring in any large items on Friday 23 Nov.  These can be placed along Admin Building veranda adjacent the senior courtyard.     Click here for a flyer.

OSHC and VAC Care 2019

From the start of the 2019 school year  Immanuel will be operating our own OSHC and Vac Care. We thank Camp Australia for the provision of their service for many years but we have taken on board the feedback given to us and so will be operating our own service from Tuesday 29 January. Current arrangements for the 2018/19 Vac Care through Camp Australia will continue.

We will provide updates to our community on the details of this in the coming weeks, but we can let you know that we now have accreditation to operate and our Director will be Mrs Katrina Ponte (who has done a considerable amount of teaching at Immanuel this year and will be well known to our students.) We will also be using a new space and details will be uploaded to our website soon.

NO Junior Youth this week Thursday 22 Nov

Worship & Praise Friday 23 Nov 9.30am with Mrs Roberts   

Swimming Lessons
  • Mon 26 Nov to Fri 30 Nov for students in Found to Yr 5
  • If you haven’t yet done so please return the consent forms tomorrow
  • Students can wear their swimwear to school, under their choice of sports or formal uniform.  Remember the towel, goggles and dry underwear
  • They can bring a pair of thongs to wear to/from the swimming centre
  • Click here for extra information and the lesson timetable

iPad Information Session
  • Wednesday 28 November at 7:00pm in Taikondi
  • For Parents of current Year 3, 4 & 5 students  
  • Click here for more info

Music lessons 2019
  • We have several music tutors who come to Immanuel and provide private lessons in Piano, Flute, Guitar, Ukulele, Drums, Violin, Recorder and Singing. 
  • If you are interested in your child beginning private instrumental lessons in 2019 please register your interest by completing the attached Instrumental form.   If you need any further information please contact Mr Dwayne Hueppauff (Music Teacher).   

Year 6/7 PYP Exhibition
  • Thanks to our students and senior unit teachers for all your hard work over the last 8 weeks, and thank you to our families for your attendance and positive comments. 

Grandparents / Special Friends Day
  • This was a terrific day with an amazing amount of positive feedback.  Thanks. 

End of Term 4
  • Wednesday 12 December last day of school for 2018. 
At 2.00pm the formal End of Year and Graduation Service will be held in Taikondi at Immanuel School.  This is the school’s end of year Worship and Praise and Christmas service, plus the year 6 & 7 students will be acknowledged and farewelled in front of the whole school.  All parents, family and friends are welcome to attend.
  • Thursday 13 & Friday 14 December are student free days and we will be offering care arrangements for students who need it.  More details will follow later.

Mental Health & Wellbeing Workshop

ADVENT EVENING @ Immanuel School
  • Sunday 9 December 2018 4.30pm to 7.30pm
  • Invitation extended from Gawler Lutheran Church to Immanuel School Gawler families
  • Shared tea followed with Music by Bel Thomson.  Click here to find out more.  

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Exhibition Tomorrow!!

The Year 6/7 PYP Exhibition Day has arrived !

Parents are invited to arrive at 6pm tomorrow (Weds 14 Nov) to have a free sausage sizzle and drink.
This will be in the Taikondi.
Following this at 6.30pm the year 6/7 Exhibition will be introduced and open for viewing. 

If you cannot make it Wednesday it will be open on Thursday morning 15 November between 9am-10am