Wednesday 31 January 2018

Parent Information Night

We would like to say thank you to everyone who came to the parent information night. It was great to meet you all and tell you what the Senior Unit is all about. We understand that due to other commitments that you may not of been able to attend so here are a few of the main points from the night.

Wearing the correct uniform on the correct day is important for successful learning. Our Uniform days are
Sports - Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Formal - Tuesday and Thursday.
Here is a link to our Uniform page which has some of the main uniform points. For more information visit the school website

Health and Hygiene
Keeping healthy and good hygiene is important. To have greater success in our learning it is important that children have good food for recess and lunch. We encourage children to have fruit and vegetables as part of their school food to help support them with their focus when learning.
Here is a link to some healthy lunch ideas.
Hygiene is also important. As the children get into puberty they tend to create a greater range of smells. We encourage the use of deodorant for all children. This is to be a roll on or stick type of deodorant not a spray on.

Homework is about setting the routine ready for High School. We encourage the to develop a strong homework routine so that when they get more homework that have a strategy in place to cope with it.
We have a routine of
Spelling-weekly activities.
Reading-15-20 minutes a night
Mathletics- 1000 points for the week

We understand that children have commitments after school which means the children will need to work out a structure for getting their homework completed.

Our Senior Unit camp this year is at Aldinga. It is a Surfquatics and the children will learn a range of skills to do with water safety and also some surf skills.
Camp is from 5th to 7th of March 2018. Further information will come out in the next few weeks.

Cyber Safety 
We discussed staying safe online briefly and also handed out a booklet from the eSafety Commissioner. Being safe online is important and the booklet has ideas that you can use to help you stay safe. We have provided a link to the eSafety Commissioners page which is a great resource to check out.
Office of The eSafety Commissioner 
Our Cyber Safety agreement needs to be signed before children can have access to IT at the school. A note will come home to sign. It is important to read through the information so you and your child are clear about the IT expectation.
Here is a link to page IT agreement  page.

Breakfast Club
On Thursday afternoons after school we hold a Breakfast Club. This is an opportunity to stay after school to use digital technology to complete work. It is a great chance to catch up with teachers and ask questions. For more information come along this Thursday.
Breakfast Club - 3.30- 4.00 Thurday

That's all for now but stay tuned for more information.

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