Monday 12 February 2018

Senior Unit Update Week 3

Excursions is the theme of the week! Here is the happenings for this week.

Year 6 Parliament House and Government House visit.
Tomorrow the Year 6's head out to parliament and government house. It will be a great chance to learn about our political system and see the inner workings of government house.
Students will leave after the second bell and will be back before the end of the school day.

Children need to be dressed in formal uniform and have a recess/lunch in a disposable bag. We discussed sharing bags when we go to the city to carry our things in.
Thanks for all those who offered to come with us on this journey.

Year 7 Macca's or Bust
Tomorrow also the Year 7's will be having their Macca's or bust visit for their maths session. This is a great maths task and we wish them all the best for their adventure.
Year 7's need to wear sports uniform.

Camp Notes
Camp notes went home last week. Please get them back to us by the due date to help us with numbers. A packing list for camp will come out in Week 5 letting you know what to bring.
Hint - Bathers and towel.

More to follow, tune in latter in the week.

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