Monday 19 February 2018

Senior Unit Update Week 4 Term 1 2018
Well we keep on moving forward in the Senior Unit. The expectation is high in the Senior Unit and we look to reach this mark on all occasions. While sometimes that bar seems so high, we still strive to achieve it and it is in the striving that we find success.

This week in the Senior Unit with routines in place it is all about the learning. Here are some of the highlights for the week ahead.

Unit of Inquiry
As we continue on our investigation of Advertising and persuasive techniques used by advertisers to get us to buy products.
This week we will be presenting our understanding of an advertisement and the techniques used in them to persuade the consumer. This is an oral presentation with a partner and we look forward to seeing what our inquiry produces.

Year 6 Maths - Sorting
This week in Year 6 maths we are looking into sorting and discussing how it helps us to be organised.
We talked about things we sort and keep organised. Discussion on clothes and rooms was interesting as many said they had floordrobes and it can sometimes be hard to keep that sorted. We talked about places like super markets and that the organisation of these places helps us to find the products we looking forward.
Check back for more on sorting through the week.

More to come through the week.

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