Tuesday 27 March 2018

Senior Unit Update Week 9

Welcome back to the blog, after a hiatus last week we are back on track leading up to the end of term. Here are some of things still happening this term.

Wednesday Buddy Devotion
On Wednesday the Senior Unit will be getting together with the foundation classes to have a buddy devotion. As we head toward Easter together we are going to look at when Jesus washed the disciples feet. It is a great time of sharing and a chance to work with the younger students in the school.

ALWS day
On Thursday Julie Krause from Australian Lutheran World Service is visiting. She is going to work with the classes and give us an awareness of what it is like to be a refugee. These are great and informative days and we look forward to learning more about the work the ALWS does in the world.
This term out Worship and Praise offering is going to support ALWS.

Unit of Inquiry - Mental Health
Our new unit of inquiry is on mental health and is in the Transdisciplinary theme of Who We Are.
It is a fascinating topic as we delve in positive and negative mental health. Below is our Line of Inquiry and Central Idea.
Transdisciplinary Theme
Who we are
An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual healthhuman relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human.
Central Idea
Mental health affects relationships and physical wellbeing
Lines of Inquiry
  • Mental health affects our relationships
  • Personal health varies from person to person
  • Community health affects society

Class Novel
This term we have been reading the novel Holes by Louis Sachar. All classes are enjoying the story so far and as we draw on the conclusion to the story the excitement is building.

Parent Teacher Interviews
Monday saw the start of Parent Teacher interviews. It was great to catch up and discuss the learning that has happened this term and goals for the rest of the year. We look forward to meeting next week as we complete the interview process.

Year 6 Mathematics
Here is some of the pattern work the year 6's have been looking at.

Monday 26 March 2018

Week 9 Whole School Reminders

Whole school reminders/updates:
Easter Holy Week
·         On Maundy Thursday 29 March we will hold a special Worship & Praise service starting at 2.45pm in Taikondi led by Miss Treasure
·         Students will be dismissed at 3.25pm  (please be respectful of this service if you arrive during the W&P time)
·         Every blessing for safe and happy Easter break  
Parent / Teacher Interviews
·         These are scheduled for today Monday 26 March 3.45-8pm, plus next week Tuesday 3 April 3.45-6.30pm, Thursday 5 April 3.45-6.30pm
·         If you haven't yet booked a time, you can logon again from tomorrow to do so. 
·         Go to  www.schoolinterviews.com.au and click on “Make a Booking”, then enter the code 88bmj and press "Go".   
·         It is important that all parents make a time to meet with their child's teacher. 
Easter Hat Competition & Hot Cross Buns  
·         Don't forget to finish decorating your Easter hat or headpiece and bring to school Tuesday 27/3 morning and put on the tables in the Taikondi.
·         If you ordered a Hot Cross Bun you will get this for recess time.
Author Phil Kettle
·         This was planned for Thursday 29 March, however due to a clash with another event, it will be rescheduled to a later date.
ALWS Worshop for year 5,6,7 students
·         Thursday 29 March under the shelter
Gawler Lutheran Church Services At Immanuel School over Easter in Taikondi
·         Thursday 29 March - Maundy Thursday - 7.30pm
·         Friday 30 March - Good Friday - 10am
·         Sunday 1 April - Easter Sunday - 10am
All school students and their families invited to attend
Monday 2 April - Easter Monday public holiday.  
Coming up soon
·         Friday  6 April  Casual Clothes day to support Relay for Life
·         Fri 13 April Sports Day  9-1pm.  Parents welcome to join us (coffee van on site, muffins for sale, subway lunches / sausage sizzle)

Monday 19 March 2018

Whole School Reminders Week 8

Whole school reminders/updates:
Quality Schools Survey
·         Last week all families should have received an email from a ‘Dr Jean Thompson from RADII regarding a survey called ‘Quality Schools’. 
·         Survey closes on Friday 23 March.  This is a really important tool for parent/caregiver input and for school improvement so please respond and submit by then.   
Parent / Teacher Interviews
·         These are scheduled for Monday 26 March 3.45-8pm, Tuesday 3 April 3.45-6.30pm, Thursday 5 April 3.45-6.30pm
·         Click here for a copy of the note outlining details.   
·         Please go to  www.schoolinterviews.com.au and click on “Make a Booking”, then enter the code 88bmj and press "Go".   
·         Please secure your booking by Thursday 22 March. 
·         It is important that all parents make a time to meet with their child's teacher. 
Crossing Lyndoch Road
·         Please use the pedestrian crossing zone. 
·         Last Thursday when the year 3 campers returned to school, we witnessed one parent crossing the road with his child and suitcase 15m up from the crossing zone, and had to stand in the middle of the road waiting for cars to pass by.    
For the safety of all families please do not cross the road elsewhere.
Evacuation Procedures
·         This Tuesday and Wednesday we will test our fire drill and lock in drill.  Teachers will update all students of procedures to follow. 
·         Parents are reminded to sign in at the office if volunteering.  Please click here to familiarise yourself with the Evacuation Map and Procedure in case your onsite at the time. 
Author Phil Kettle
·         Is at Immanuel Thursday 22 March -  doing a book workshop with year 2-7’s
·         Students can bring in $5 to purchase a book from his range of Too Cool and Marcy books.  
 AFL Football Tipping
·         This year Immanuel Gawler is running an online footy tipping competition on the AFL website.
·         The competition is open to all students, parents and staff. It  is free to enter and at the end of the season there will be a trophy with the winners name engraved on it. We do ask that you use your actual name and not a nick name so that we know who we are competing against.
·         Below is the link to the footy competition and the code for Immanuel Gawler.
      Comp Code: J9V6Z5DH
·         We hope to get as many people involved as possible. The Footy season begins on Thursday 22 March.
·         We look forward to having a bit of fun along the way. All the best and happy tipping.
Loud Shirt Day Monday 19 March
·         What a bright loud day we had.  We raised $332 for the Cora Barclay Foundation. 
Worship & Praise Friday 23 March at 9.00am led by Miss Freund
Year 4-7 students & family Carers Group Get Together - Friday 23 March at 3.45-5.00pm at Clonlea Park   
Oval / top deck car park disruption this area is still flagged off with cones & bunting. 
2017 Year Book / Magazine
·         For sale @ $10 from the office  2017 Magazine
Easter Hat Competition & Hot Cross Buns  for recess Tuesday 27 March (orders due in Fri 23/3)  click here to download details.
Easter - Holy Week Services At Immanuel School
Sunday 25 March - Palm Sunday - Gawler Lutheran Church service at 10am (school band and dancers involved) 
Thursday 29 March - 
Maundy Thursday - Worship and Praise at 2.45pm in Taikondi.  (Normal dismissal is 3.30pm)  and Gawler Lutheran Church service at 7.30pm
Friday 30 March - Good Friday - Gawler Lutheran Church service at 10am
Sunday 1 April - Easter Sunday - Gawler Lutheran Church service at 10am
All school students and their families invited to attend the Easter church services at Immanuel School.
Monday 2 April - Easter Monday public holiday.  

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Senior Unit Update Week 7

 Welcome to Tuesday and the start of the new week. We hope you enjoyed your public holiday and had a great time doing what ever you did.

This week we continue on learning and working. The main thrust of this week is the Unit Of Inquiry assignment on advertising.

This is the assessment for this task and will provide direction for the learning. We are well underway with this task with our focus on getting the information for the assignment down first then making our advertisements.

There is 2 hrs and 30 minutes of class time left for children to complete the assignment. Outside of this you will need to use home time to complete. In the end the ads you make are great but the major part is the information about your advertisements.

With UOI taking some home time to work on if needed we have cancelled spelling for this week short week.

We look forward to looking at advertisements that have been made.

Next Monday the 19th of March the Senior Unit is on Assembly.

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Whole School Reminders/Update Week 7

Whole school reminders/updates:
Wine & Cheese Night - this Friday 16 March - hurry & purchase your ticket - will be a fun night!
·         $5 / ticket - RSVP Thursday 15/3 - click here to read more
·         Cheese, drinks, live music, social time with friends, child free event
·         Coordinated by P&F group
Quality Schools Survey
·         All families should receive an email from a ‘Dr Jean Thompson from RADII regarding a survey called ‘Quality Schools’.  This is a really important tool for parent/caregiver input and for school improvement.
·         Please take the time to complete this survey and apologies that it has come immediately following our ‘OSHC Survey’ (Which we received around 200 responses and we are really appreciative of this.)
AFL Football Tipping
·         This year Immanuel Gawler is running an online footy tipping competition on the AFL website.
·         The competition is open to all students, parents and staff. It  is free to enter and at the end of the season there will be a trophy with the winners name engraved on it. We do ask that you use your actual name and not a nick name so that we know who we are competing against.
·         Below is the link to the footy competition and the code for Immanuel Gawler.
      Comp Code: J9V6Z5DH
·         We hope to get as many people involved as possible. The Footy season begins on Thursday 22 March.
·         We look forward to having a bit of fun along the way. All the best and happy tipping.
Traffic Monitor Roster
·         Click here for the new roster for Term 1 Weeks 7-11
·         Thank you to our new volunteers (parents and students)
Year 3s go on camp this week (Weds, Thurs, Fri)
ICAS Competitions
·         These are voluntary for year 2-7 students.  Registrations due this Thursday 15/3/18.
·         Click here for the information & registration letter
Loud Shirt Day Monday 19 March
·         Wear a bright colourful loud shirt to school (with sports shorts) - bring a gold coin donation to support the Cora Barclay Foundation
Oval / top deck car park disruption this area is still flagged off with cones & bunting. 
Faith College Open Day  Wednesday 14 March 9-11.00am
Endeavour College Open Day Sunday 18 March 1.30-4.30pm
Parent / Teacher Interviews
·         These are scheduled for Monday 26 March, Tuesday 3 April, Thursday 5 April
·         Click here for a copy of the note sent home last Friday.   
·         Please go to  www.schoolinterviews.com.au and click on “Make a Booking”.
Then enter the code 
88bmj and press "Go". 
Worship & Praise Friday 16 March at 9.00am led by Mr Wundersitz    
Assembly Monday 19 March at 2.45pm with Year 6/7's  
2017 Year Book / Magazine
·         For sale @ $10 from the office  2017 Magazine