Tuesday 27 March 2018

Senior Unit Update Week 9

Welcome back to the blog, after a hiatus last week we are back on track leading up to the end of term. Here are some of things still happening this term.

Wednesday Buddy Devotion
On Wednesday the Senior Unit will be getting together with the foundation classes to have a buddy devotion. As we head toward Easter together we are going to look at when Jesus washed the disciples feet. It is a great time of sharing and a chance to work with the younger students in the school.

ALWS day
On Thursday Julie Krause from Australian Lutheran World Service is visiting. She is going to work with the classes and give us an awareness of what it is like to be a refugee. These are great and informative days and we look forward to learning more about the work the ALWS does in the world.
This term out Worship and Praise offering is going to support ALWS.

Unit of Inquiry - Mental Health
Our new unit of inquiry is on mental health and is in the Transdisciplinary theme of Who We Are.
It is a fascinating topic as we delve in positive and negative mental health. Below is our Line of Inquiry and Central Idea.
Transdisciplinary Theme
Who we are
An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual healthhuman relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human.
Central Idea
Mental health affects relationships and physical wellbeing
Lines of Inquiry
  • Mental health affects our relationships
  • Personal health varies from person to person
  • Community health affects society

Class Novel
This term we have been reading the novel Holes by Louis Sachar. All classes are enjoying the story so far and as we draw on the conclusion to the story the excitement is building.

Parent Teacher Interviews
Monday saw the start of Parent Teacher interviews. It was great to catch up and discuss the learning that has happened this term and goals for the rest of the year. We look forward to meeting next week as we complete the interview process.

Year 6 Mathematics
Here is some of the pattern work the year 6's have been looking at.

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