Monday 30 April 2018

Whole School Update Week 1 Term 2

Whole school reminders/updates:

Welcome back to Term 2.  We hope you had a restful holiday and are now ready for the learning experiences this term. 

Unfortunately our phone lines are experiencing difficulties as businesses in the area transition to the NBN. We are working with our current provider to ensure this is rectified by close of business today.
However in the interim, please email  or / or for urgent matters telephone Daryl on 0422572992 or Julian on 0437440410.  We will endeavour to respond ASAP while we experience intermittent outages.

School Uniform
  • Winter Uniform is to be worn for Term 2 and 3.   This refers to the formal uniform which is grey trousers and long sleeve shirt for boys and the pinafore (or skirt) with white blouse for girls  (with / without the green jumper). Sports uniform consists of shorts or trackpants with T-shirt and rugby top. 
There is a week changeover at the start of the term - so if the weather is unseasonably warm summer uniform can be worn (but not a mix of both).  
  • Hats do not need to be worn in term 2 (as the UV rating is usually below 3)
  • Please ensure your child's name is clearly marked on their hat and jumper

Uniform purchases
  • All new uniform items have been moved into the new “Uniform Shop Room”.  This is located at the front of the toilet block / behind the staffroom / adjacent the Junior Primary classes. 
  • Opening days / times at this stage are:  Mondays 8.30am to 9.15am and on Fridays 3.00pm to 3.45pm.  If you need items outside of these hours please place an order via the office staff.   
  • The second hand stall is opened by a parent volunteer is will be open this week Tuesday & Thursday afternoon 3.15pm to 4pm and Friday morning 8.30 to 9.15am.

School Day / Punctuality
  • The school day begins at 8.50am.  Students who arrive after 9am are considered late and need to be signed in at the office by the parent / caregiver.   If your child is absent please ensure you advise the school by 9.30am (via phone or email)
  • The school day ends at 3.25pm.  If you need to pick up early a note to your teacher in the morning is really helpful.   Please report to the school office and sign your child out whilst your child is called to the office.  

Junior Youth  is on a Thursday this term - starting this week (was a Tues in Term 1) for students in years 4,5,6/7 4pm to 5.30pm with Emma Lange

Worship & Praise this Friday 4 May at 9am with Mr Boesch – all welcome

Grasshopper Soccer – for girls and boys aged 4-11
·         being held at Immanuel School on Wednesdays after school 3.35-4.25pm starting next Weds 9 May  (for 7 weeks)
·         Please register by completing the enrolment form or contacting

Subway Lunches start again this week
  • Orders in by Wednesday 3.30pm for lunch on a Friday Click here for an order form or see the office

What’s coming up this term:
Mother’s Day Stall – week 2 Thursday 10 May
P&F Meeting – week 2 Thursday 10 May 7pm
NAPLAN 2018 - week 3 Tues, Weds, Thurs - for students in years 3, 5, 7 (Click here for more information)
Scholastic Book Fair - week 3  - in the Library
Volunteers Training Session (VSC) – week 3 Wednesday 2.30pm or 6.30pm
Year 4 camp - week 3 (Weds, Thurs, Fri)
Walk to School Day week 4 Friday 25 May
P&F Quiz Night  - week 3 - Saturday 19 May 7pm (note amended day/date– for families and friends “SAVE THE DATE FOR A FUN NIGHT”
Chefs Toolbox Giant Raffle $20 / ticket – on sale via the office - to be drawn at the Quiz Night.
Open Morning – week 5 Tuesday 29 May at 9.30am
Hot Sausage in a roll Lunch – week 5 Friday 1 June
Cabaret – week 7 Friday 15 June
Semester 1 Reports  – week 9
End of Term 2 – week 9 Friday 29 June  - 3 week holiday break

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