Monday 14 May 2018

Senior Unit Update Week 3 Term 2

Welcome one and all to Week 3. As the weather has finally started to get cooler, the Senior Unit is starting to heat up its learning to yet another level.

Mother’s Day

A belated happy Mother’s Day fro the Senior Unit staff to all the mothers, grand mothers and great grand mothers. Hopefully you were all treated well and spoilt by your loved ones.


This is one of those weeks that loom on the calendar. In the Senior Unit we try to attack this week as a good opportunity to show what we know. We wish the Year Seven’s all the very best and to remember to just have a red hot go.

Unit of Inquiry

This Thursday is the due date for the Walk a Mile in My Shoes Assignment. It has been great to see st Dents using their initiative in this task and working that little bit extra. It has also been pleasing to see  students begin to demonstrate empathy through this task for people who suffer from mental health illnesses.

Christian Studies

A big thanks to all who participated in our spirituality survey. It was a great support to have students discuss and share your responses. Here is a Venn Diagram that we found that tries to define spirituality and how it ties in with religion. It has certainly promoted a lot of discussion between some staff members. What do you think? (Sorry about the quality of the pic)

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