Monday 21 May 2018

Senior Unit Update Week 4 Term 2 2018

Welcome to Week 4. As we get into the term now things are flowing and new topics are beginning. Here is a bit of what is happening this week.

Christian Studies 
Our discussion on spirituality have been rather interesting with many different prospective being shared. It is great to know we have a diverse understanding of the topic. We have talked about spirituality and what people think, this week we have guest speaker who will talk with us about their experience and we will be looking at spirituality form a christian perspective.

Congratulations to all students have tried out for SAPSASA teams this year. At the moment students are trying for or have been picked for sports like football, netball, hockey and cross country. We wish all of our students the best in these endeavours and we know you will represent the school well.

Unit Of Inquiry
We have finished the mental health unit. This week we begin our new topic in the transdiciplinary field of "Where we are in place and time." I will be a great learning experience as we delve into exploration and what it brings to our lives.

Where We Are In Place And Time. - An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives.

The Cabaret is on this term and this week students have a chance to try out for he show. Try outs happen this we so bring you gear and be ready to perform. Break a leg all involved.

Secret Squirrel Page
As not many people found it last week it will stay the same for one more week. Good hunting for the page.

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