Monday 28 May 2018

Senior Unit Update Week 5 Term 2

The Senior Unit is in full swing again this week. There is lots of things happening around the school that involve the Senior Students.

SAPSASA Football
Good Luck to Harvey and Kobe as they participate in the SAPSASA football comp. We hope they  play well and show good sportsmanship. Have fun boys on this adventure.
Last week as part of our new Unit of Inquiry we had a range of science experiments and conversations. It was great to see everyone getting involved and having a go at the range of different science concepts.
As a taste of concepts we looked at
Mr Semmler - Centripetal Force
Mr Jones - Non Newtonian Fluids
Mrs Eckermann - Air Pressure and weight distribution.
As we start to investigate science and exploration we look forward to seeing the direction that we will go.

Students are practising and getting ready for the Cabaret. It is great to see so many Senior students getting involved in this school event.
Reminder Cabaret is the end of Week 7 so get your tickets now.

Worship and Praise 
A special thanks to the Jones class that participated in worship last week. They did a great job and it was nice to see the return of Jane and Grelmo. Thanks again Senior students.

That's all for now but leave you with one thought

If you have been thinking of singing karaoke with a friend, just duet!

I'm back try to find my page.

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