Monday 25 June 2018

Whole School Update Week 9 Term 2

Whole school reminders/updates:

End of Term 2
  • This is the last week of Term 2 for students.   Normal dismissal time of 3.25pm on Friday 29 June. 
  • Thanks for supporting our school and all the events we have had this term.   
  • Please enjoy the 3 week holiday break and we will see you all back for Term 3 starting Monday 23 July.   
(Teaching staff will be on site next week doing some PD and training)

Semester 1 reports will go home to parents / caregivers on Wednesday 27 June with students in a sealed envelope.  Students will be instructed to deliver these to parents / caregivers unopened.

Camp Australia will run the OHSC Holiday Club program over the 3 weeks. 

SAKG information session
Wed 27 June at 9-9:30am information session for parents about the SAKG (Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden) program. Please come along if…
  • You are interested in getting involved
  • Or simply just wanting to know more about the program

Worship & Praise this Friday 29 June at 9am with Mrs Angie Eckermann and 6/7’s

Uniform – PLEASE NAME / LABEL your child’s belongings
·         There is lots of lost property in the office (rugby tops, jumpers, drink bottles – not named!)
Please come and have a look before they are cleared at the end of term. 
·         Please use the holiday time to check your child’s items, and ensure their names are written clearly on hats, jumpers, drink bottles and lunchboxes so if misplaced they can be returned to their correct owner. 

Mini Music concert this Thursday at 11.10am in Taikondi
·         With Mr Hueppauff and some of our musical students

Overdue Library Books
·         Please return all library books ASAP, for the end of term stocktake and tidy up. 

Some Diary Dates for Term 3 (please note some amended dates to what may have previously been advertised)
Gawler Lutheran Church Sunday 29 July at school.  All families welcome to attend
Auskick Thursdays 3.45-4.30pm from week 3 to week 8 for F-3 students  (registrations open Mon 23/7/18)
Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Day Saturday 11 August
School Photo Day Thursday 30 August
Concert Thursday 20 September evening (for Junior Primary F–3).  Matinee day/time TBC
Student Free Day Friday 21 September
End of Term 3 Friday 29 September

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