Monday 23 July 2018

Whole School Update Week 1 Term 3

Whole school reminders/updates:

Welcome back to term 3 – we hope you had a really enjoyable and restful break.
  • Some staff are taking some extra leave so we wish them safe travels.
  • Julian Helbig is on leave for the first 5 weeks, Pam Treasure & Sandra Lloyd are on leave for 2 weeks, Marianne Roberts is on leave for 1 week. 

School Day / Punctuality
  • The school day begins at 8.50am.  Students who arrive after 9am are considered late and need to be signed in at the office by the parent / caregiver.   If your child is absent please ensure you advise the school by 9.30am (via phone or email)
  • The school day ends at 3.25pm.  If you need to pick up early a note to your teacher in the morning is really helpful.   Phone calls to the office are welcome, although can be delayed if other priorities come along.  Please report to the school office and sign your child out whilst your child is called to the office.  

Uniform – PLEASE clearly NAME / LABEL all your child’s belongings
·         rugby tops, jumpers, drink bottles, lunch boxes
·         Uniform shop open Monday 9-9.30am and Friday 3.15-3.45pm

Junior Youth  is on a Thursday again this term - starting this week for students in years 4,5,6/7 4pm to 5.30pm with Emma Lange

Worship & Praise this Friday 27 July at 9am with Pastor Anthony Price

Immanuel “Auskick” – for girls and boys in Foundation to Year 3  (places are limited to 60)
·         Being held at Immanuel School on Thursday after school 3.45-4.30pm starting Thurs 9 August  (for 6 weeks)
·         We still need a few parents to help with these sessions – please let Daryl or Jenny know  
·         Please register by logging and enter code t6twg.   

Subway Lunches start again this week
  • Orders in by Wednesday 3.30pm for lunch on a Friday Click here for an order form or see the office

Learning the Ukulele and Recorder
  • Mr Hueppauff has provided some tips for learning these 2 musical instruments at home.
  • Please click here to learn more. 

Diary Dates for Term 3
Gawler Lutheran Church Sunday 29 July 10am at school.  All families welcome to attend
Volunteers Training (VSC) Wednesday 8 August at 2.30pm or 6.30pm
Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Day Saturday 11 August –Helpers needed please to cook the BBQ and serve.  Log onto and ender code ctqbu
Science Week from Monday 13 August
Open Morning Tuesday 21 August 9.30am for new families looking at schools  
Book Week Dress Up Day Thursday 23 August
Gawler Show Saturday 25 & Sunday 26 August
SAPSASA Athletics Day Tuesday 28 August
School Photo Day Thursday 30 August
Concert (for Junior Primary F–3) Thursday 20 September 6.30pm evening / Wednesday 19 September 12.30pm matinee
Student Free Day Friday 21 September (whole school)
End of Term 3 Friday 29 September
Term 4 returns Monday 15 October

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