Monday 30 July 2018

Whole School Update Week 2 Term 3

Whole school reminders/updates:

Emergency Drills
  • This week we will be practicing our fire evacuation and lock in procedures.  
  • If you are volunteering please remember to sign into our visitors book so we can ensure your safety too.  Click hereto read our Emergency Procedures. 

Zion Preschool children
  • Visiting Immanuel this Friday 3 August from 8.15am to 12.30pm  They will join us for W&P and some classroom activities. 

Worship & Praise this Friday 3 August at 9am - Mr Semmler will lead us. 

Volunteers Training (VSC) for parents who want to volunteer
  • Wednesday 8 August at 2.30pm or Wednesday 29 August at 6.30pm.  (Please RSVP to Jenny or Daryl)

P&F Meeting this Thursday 2 August at 7pm – in the staffroom – all welcome

Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Day
  • Saturday 11 August  9am to 5pm at Bunnings Gawler Green
  • HELPERS NEEDED please -  to cook the BBQ and serve.  Log onto and ender codectqbu to register your help. 

Scholastic Book Club
  • Issue 5 orders due in by Friday 3 August.
  • If your child ordered something from the first issue of Term 2 and has not yet received it - it may be the NO NAME ORDER still sitting in the office.  

Uniform – PLEASE clearly NAME / LABEL all your child’s belongings
·         This includes hats, rugby tops, jumpers, drink bottles, lunch boxes.  There are lots of lost items in the office with no name – come a claim!
·         Winter Uniform is to be worn in Term 3.   Children are expected to be well groomed and in the correct school uniform (wearing the sports or formal attire on designated days).  Click here to refer to the Uniform Policy. 

Uniform Shop open Mondays 8.30-9.15am and Fridays 3.15-3.45pm
Second Hand Stall open Tuesdays 3.00-3.30pm

Gawler Show Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 August – our school will be having a stand and will be asking for some volunteers to help.  Please let the office know if you can help.

School Photo Day Wednesday 29 August – note the amended date (again)

Concert (for Junior Primary F–3) Thursday 20 September 6.30pm evening / Wednesday 19 September 12.30pm matinee
Student Free Day Friday 21 September (whole school)  (OSHC care available through Immanuel – please register your interest via Jenny in the office). 

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