Monday 6 August 2018

Senior Unit Update Week 3 Term 3

For worship and praise this week we will be looking at the story of Joshua taking the Israelites across the Jordan river. Join us for worship at 9.00 Friday morning.

Excursion to Faith
Next Friday the Year 6's will be travelling to Faith College for a CSI day. We will be going with the Year 5's and will be a chance to participate in a range of different activities at the school. Last year was a great day.
A form went out last week and needs to be returned by the end of the week.

Spirituality Display
Last Friday we had a display of the Spirituality artwork that was produced at the end of last term. It was great to share the work with others in our gallery walk. Great artwork and thinking was produced through this activity. 

That's all for now.... except

How do you comfort a grammar fanatic? Their, they're, there.

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