Monday 13 August 2018

Senior Unit Update Week 4 Term 3

Well week 4 is here and there are a range of different things happening this week. Here is a taste of what is to come and what we have done.

Unit of Inquiry
In Unit of Inquiry we have been investigating energy. We have discussed about energy in natural phenomenon and the types of energy they are.
From this we have found 2 main types of energy: Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy. From this we found that all energy falls into either of these categories.

We have been looking at how humans are impacted by energy through natural disasters. For this we had a rotation of picture books which were shared. These books were about flood, drought and fire and helped to give an insight into these disasters

From this we filled in and created a brochure on the impact these disasters have on humans.
It was a great way to reflect on the impacts of disasters.

CSI Day at Faith
This Friday the Year 6's are heading to Faith college to have a look around and experience some time trying out a range of activities. Science will be a part of the day with Science week upon us. It is a great chance to see the workings of a high school. Recess and Lunch will be provided on the day by the college.

Angles is the focus at the moment: types of angles, measuring angles, names of angles. Through our discussion we have had some difficulty finding real world examples of angles and the knowledge of them. This has led us to investigate where angles are used in the world.
Our example thoughts
- Builders- for making things level
- Architects- when designing buildings and spaces.
- Home renovators- when making a change to a room or house.
These are a few examples..... we wonder where else angles are used.
Remember - not to argue with a 90 degree angle, as they are always right.

Final thought
Lif is too short

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