Monday 20 August 2018

Senior Unit Update Week 5 Term 3

Week 5 is here and that means it's Book Week. With this there are a range of things happening in the school as we celebrate Book Week and we look forward to seeing the great costumes. Here is the news from the Senior Unit.

Book Week
This Thursday is the dress up for Book Week. We encourage Senior students to get involved and take part in the fun. On the flip side of this we want to remind you that Thursday is a formal uniform day and that it is still expected to be worn. If you dress up and stay dressed all is good, but if you need to change it is expected that you change back into formal. The message in the newsletter was mainly directed junior primary. The theme for Book Week is

"Find Your Treasure"

Numeracy is a consistent presence in the Senior Unit. At the moment the Year 6's are focusing on measurement and will begin measuring investigations as we explore and refine out measurement skills. Today we shared types of measurements we know and from here we will look at a range of measurement concepts including converting measurements.
The Year 7's have been working with angles and have been using angles to give directions when using a map. It will be interesting to see the treasure they find with their mapping.

Being Book Week today we looked at the best selling book in the world, "The Bible." It was great to
discuss the Bible and we shared a number of clips about the Bible as well. Our thought for the day was from Psalms 119:105 and is a great guide for our lives. Check out the clip below

Junior Youth
There is no Junior Youth this week.

Thought for the day
If you ever feel cold just stand in a corner. They are usually around 90 degrees!

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