Monday 24 September 2018

Whole School Update Week 10 Term 3

Whole school reminders/updates:

What a great performance from all our F-3 students.  Thank you everyone for supporting and attending.  We hope you enjoyed it.  Please click on the link below to provide some feedback about the concert.

Student Led Conferences – these are tonight Monday 24 September.
Thank you for booking a timeslot.  Please enjoy your classroom visit.

THURSDAY / MAILDAY – This Thursday we will be sending home the following …

Newsletter – our last one for this term.

NAPLAN results for students in Yr 3 /5 /7 (These are being sent home to parents in a sealed gold envelope.  Please keep these documents in a safe location as they are often required when enrolling in a secondary school). 

ICT changes for 2019 Yr 4 /5/ 6 students (This information will go to our current Yr 3 /4/ 5 families).
No Junior Youth this Thursday, 27 September.

Subway lunches are available this Friday, please have your orders in before 3.30pm on Wednesday, 26 September.

Term 3 ends this Friday, 28 September – normal dismissal time of 3.25pm.
It’s a Jeans for Genes dress day  students can wear their blue jeans & bring a gold coin donation.

Term 4 commences on Monday,15 October.
Summer uniform is worn in Term 4.  This refers to grey shorts and S/S shirt for boys and summer dress for girls in Yr 2-7.   The official sports uniform is to be worn on the designated days.   (F’s & Yr 1’s wear sports uniform every day.)

Lost Property – Uniform items
  • There are so many rugby tops and jumpers in the Lost Property box in the office – not named!   If you are missing something please come and retrieve it. 
  • Please put your child’s name on uniform items and other items.  Please remind your child that if they take off their jumpers they are to put them in their bag and take them home. 

The Mayors Christmas Card 2018 Competition
  • Open for F to Year 5 students.
  • Entries must be returned to Immanuel School by Thursday, 27 September or direct to the Town of Gawler Office by Friday,28 September.
  • Entry forms are available from the school office or click here

Gawler Youth holiday programs – click here to find out what you can do and how to register.

End of Term 4 Arrangements
  • Our last school day for 2018 will be on Wednesday 12 December with our Graduation Service at 2.00pm. 
  • We will be offering care arrangements for students who need it on the Thursday 13th / Friday 14th December and more details will follow later.

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