Monday 17 September 2018

Whole School Update Week 9 Term 3

Concert is this week!  Ticket sales have been outstanding and have sold out!
  • Matinee Concert starts at 12.30pm Wednesday 19 September
Guests can arrive from 12noon and enjoy a complimentary tea/coffee & biscuit.
Concert will conclude about 2pm.  Students can go home following the matinee with their caregiver, who will need to sign the child/ren out on the class lists at the office
  • Evening Concert starts 6.30pm Thursday 20 September
Students need to be at school at 6pm.  Guests can enjoy a complimentary tea/coffee & biscuit. 
  • Tickets were sent home via students last Friday 14 September.   Please note there is a different ticket for Matinee and Evening Concert.  Click here to see where your seats are located and know where to.    Click here for a note with some last minute concert information for F-3 students. 
Student Free Day Friday 21 September (whole school)
OSHC care 7am to 6pm will be provided by our staff $25 for a full day.  If you need care and haven’t yet booked please do so via Jenny in the office or return this form ASAP.
No Subway lunches this Friday (if you put one in it will be held for week 10)
Family Photo Day Saturday 22 Sept at Immanuel School. 
Student Led Conferences
  • Monday 24 Sept – This is an invitation for you to visit your child’s classroom and see some activities they have been doing. 
  • Book a 25 minute session between 3.45pm to 7.05pm via and enter the codenc6sx.
  • Click here to read the note sent home last week. 
No Junior Youth this Thursday or next Thursday
No Rhythm Kids next week Monday 24 Sept
Next Newsletter will be in week 10 (next Thursday 27 Sept)
Term 3 ends next Friday 28 Sept – normal dismissal time 3.25pm
It’s a Jeans for Genes Casual dress day - bring a gold coin donation
The Mayors Christmas Card 2018 Competition
  • Open for F to year 5 students
  • Entries must be returned to Immanuel School by next Thurs 27 Sept or direct to the Town of Gawler office by Fri 28 Sept
  • Entry forms have been sent home. Extra forms are available from the school office or click here
Gawler Youth holiday programs – click here to find out what you can do and how to register
End of Term 4 Arrangements
  • Our last school day for 2018 will be on Wednesday 12 December with our Graduation Service at 2pm 
  • We will be offering care arrangements  for students who need it on the Thursday 13th / Friday 14th December and more details will follow later

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