Monday 15 October 2018

Whole School Update Week 1 Term 4

Welcome to term 4:
We welcome everyone back to the start of a new term. We especially welcome our four new students starting with us at Immanuel.

The Wall:
You may have noticed that the front wall has been removed during the holidays. This has been a work in progress for over seven years and has involved a lot of consultation and process with our local town council.  In April this year we received approval for its removal and over the last six months we’ve been working out some finer details, in consultation with our local town council. During the last couple of years we have had two engineers certify that the wall was beyond economic repair and was structurally unsafe.

The plan now is to redevelop this area over the next few months. This will involve some tasteful retaining at the eastern most end, hiding the rain water tanks that water the SAKG garden area. Then  in front of the old building we will have spear fencing, landscaping and up-lighting on the beautiful building that has previously been hidden. Either side of the front entrance there will again be some tasteful retaining (due to the services that are located in this area) and then the most western end will be open with spear fencing.   Click here to view the new fencing design. 

It’s been a long time in the process and we congratulate Jo McNair on her persistence and determination over a long period of time with this project.

2019 Planning:
During Term 4 our staff will begin to ramp up planning for 2019 particularly as this will be the  year that we will restructure to become an F-6 school.
We welcome input from families around class placement for 2019 and we ask that this is passed on by email by Friday the 2nd of November (week 3). Generally this input will be around learning needs and information that will help us place students for maximum success. We ask that families refrain from ‘requesting teachers’ especially as teaching staff can (and will) change due to either leaving our school or changing grades – both of which can happen very late in the year as we respond to the context and circumstances that happen.  

October is Dyslexia Month – so this week we are Lighting it RED
·         Cookies can be ordered by Weds for Recess on Friday 19 Oct  (order form here)
·         Guess how many Red Lollies are in the Jar in the front office - 50c a guess - winner announced at W&P on Friday
·         Zooper Dooper Iceblocks for sale after school Friday @ 50 cents
·         splash of RED can be worn on Friday (with school uniform) eg – Red ribbons, Red socks, Red hat

After School Netball for Foundation to Yr 3 students  

Operation Christmas Child
  • Thank you for the enthusiasm to fill shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan’s Purse.
  • reminder that there are just 2 weeks left to join in to bring the JOY!  
  • We will collect everything at Worship and Praise on Friday Week 2, Term 4. If you have taken a shoebox home to fill, please ensure it is returned by 26/10. Please remember to indicate which age group and gender the box has been packed for
  • If you would like to bring in some items to fill boxes, please bring to the front office before 26/10
Thank you and blessings from The Carers Group

Junior Youth starts again this Thursday 18 October 4-5.30pm.

Subway lunches available on Fridays Term 4.  Orders in by 3.30pm on Wednesdays for lunch on Fridays

Summer uniform is worn in Term 4.  This refers to grey shorts and S/S shirt for boys and summer dress for girls in Yr 2-7.   The official sports uniform is to be worn on the designated days.   (F’s & Yr 1’s wear sports uniform every day.)
Hats are a uniform requirement for term 4.  Please ensure your child has their hat every day to wear during recess, lunch and outdoor activities.  Please ensure the hat is clearly named

Lost Property – Uniform items
  • There are so many rugby tops and jumpers in the Lost Property box in the office – not named!   If you are missing something please come and retrieve it. 
  • Please put your child’s name on uniform items and other items.  Please remind your child that if they take off their jumpers they are to put them in their bag and take them home. 

2018 Student Residential Address Survey
The Australian Government Department of Education and Training has requested our school to provide a statement of addresses for each student at our school.  Click here to read the purpose of the collection and further details.  We will submit our data by Friday 9 November. 

Term 4 Events
Week 2
  • Tuesday 23 Oct  – Pancake Brekky 8-9am – for all students and families – come join us in Taikondi
  • Yr 2 Camp (Thurs & Fri)
  • Sunday 28 Oct – Gawler Lutheran Church Reformation service and Longest Lutheran Lunch at Immanuel School at 10am – all welcome

Week 3
  • Weds 31 Oct at 2.30pm & 6.30pm - Valuing Safe Communities – Volunteers Training
  • Sat 3 Nov – Gawler Village Fair

Week 4
  • Mon 5 Nov – Assembly at 2.45pm
  • Fri 9 Nov – P&F holding a Bingo Night for families

Week 5
  • Tues 13 Nov – Open Morning 9.30am
  • Weds 14 Nov – Yr 6/7 Exhibition Night
  • Fri 16 Nov – P&F holding a Disco night for children

Week 7
  • Swimming week for F-5 students (details out soon)

Week 8
  • 3 Dec – Assembly at 2.45pm

Week 9 - End of Term 4
  • Wednesday 12 December last day of school – 2pm Graduation Service for all students . 
  • We will be offering care arrangements for students who need it on the Thursday 13th / Friday 14th December and more details will follow later.

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