Monday 5 November 2018

Senior Unit Update Week 4 Term 4

Wow it's week 4 and the term is flying by. There are so many things going on and exhibition is at the top of the list. So without further ado lets get stuck into the notes for this week.

This is our main task at the moment. With a week and a half left till our exhibition night things are going full throttle. Posters, models, editing etc are all talking place. As it all comes to a head we look forward to seeing what is produced for the night.

Bike Ed
We had our first Bike Ed session on Friday and it was a great to see people riding around. Our bike check was successful with only 2 bikes not passing the road safety test.
With another 5 weeks to go we look forward to developing our riding skills and improving our knowledge of road rules.

Special Friends Day

  • Friday 16 November 9.30-11.30am (for grandparents or that special friend)  

Graduation and End of the Year

  • Wednesday 12 December last day of school for 2018. 
At 2.00pm the formal End of Year and Graduation Service will be held in Taikondi at Immanuel School.  As part of our school’s end of year Worship and Praise / Christmas service, the year 6 & 7 students will be acknowledged and farewelled in front of the whole school.  Parents, family and friends are welcome to attend.   On Thursday 13 Dec we will hold the Year 6 & 7 Celebration Night.  This special function is for all year 6 & 7 students, their parents / caregivers and our staff.  (Invitations will be sent home soon.)
  • Thursday 13 & Friday 14 December are student free days and we will be offering care arrangements for students who need it.  More details will follow later.

Library Books
  • At the moment there are lots of Library books on loan and overdue for return.  Can parents and students please have a look at home and return overdue books ASAP.  This help keeps wide range of books for everyone to access. 
  • Library borrowing will finish in week 6 for our year 6/7 students.
  • Reminder notes will be sent home accordingly so that all books are returned and our end of year and stocktake procedures can take place.


I removed the shell from my racing snail to make it go faster - but it just made it more sluggish.

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