Monday 29 January 2018

Whole School Update Week 1 Term 1

Welcome back to 2018
We welcome all of our school families to the 2018 School Year and especially those new to our school community.
This Monday email is sent to parents/caregivers every Monday afternoon to advise you of the important things happening at Immanuel in the upcoming week.  Please let us know if you need to another email address added to our distribution list. 
The Newsletter is sent home Friday fortnightly.  This provides  information about events held during the term / year, and other important information.   
Please note the New School Day schedule for 2018
7.00am – 8.30am
Before School Care  (children may not be in the yard unsupervised)
8.30am – 8.50am
Normal arrival time for students
All students move into class 
First bell - student roll marked
First session begins
Recess eating time
Recess play time
2nd session begins
Lunch eating time
Lunch play time
3rd session begins
End of school day
3.30pm – 6.00pm
After School Care available with CAMP Australia
Children not yet collected are ushered to After School Care
Some important events this week are:
Parent Information Night Tuesday 30/1/2018
Starts at:  6.45pm to 7.05pm under the Shelter - introduction by Mr Daryl Trigg and Mr Julian Helbig
7.15pm to 7.45pm - Teacher presentation
7.50pm to 8.20pm - Teacher presentation in their classroom/area - REPEAT
·         It is important for parents to attend this information night as teachers will provide important information about teaching and learning in their year level and information for 2018.  
·         This will be a great start to our learning partnership with you.
·         Class / Parent handbooks for 2018 will be available on our website on Wednesday  
Opening Worship & Praise:  Friday 2nd February at 9.00am
·         All families and friends are invited to join us in Taikondi (shelter) 
·         Year 2 students will be presented with their Bibles
·         Installation of new staff members and continuing staff affirmed in their roles
·         Please stay for a cuppa and a chat following the service
Subway Lunches
·         These will be offered as from week 2.   Lunch order must be in by Wednesday 3.30pm for lunch on a Friday.   An order form will be sent home later this week, and extra forms will be available via our website or in the office. 
School Crossing Monitors
·         Today our year 5,6,7 students were trained by SA Police to be a school crossing monitor.  A consent form will be sent home so the roster can start next week. 
·         However we need a few new Parent Helpers.  Please consider helping with this important job role and let Jenny in the office know so we can arrange a training session.   
Carparking, Gates
·         Our school car park and driveways are busy at peak times - please remember to drive safely and vigilant at 10km/h.  
·         Daly Street car park and entrance gate is open all day.  Gates at Lyndoch Road, School Lane and Oval are locked at 9.30am and reopened at 3.00pm. 
·         Please make sure that you only turn left out of the school lane during peak times.
Parents & Friends Group (P&F)
·         First meeting and AGM Thursday 8 February at 7pm in the staff room.   All parents & caregivers welcome to attend. 
Carers Group
·         First meeting Thursday 8 February at 9am in the staff room.   All parents & caregivers welcome to attend. 
Family Night - get together
·         Friday 23rd February - more details to come
Start of year forms
·         Please remember to return the Family Database form (yellow form posted home at the end of 2017) plus the Student Medical Information / Photo Consent form (orange form sent home at the end of 2017) so we can have current student information. 

Hi everyone! Junior youth is kicking off term one this week with free pancakes for years 4-7 at lunch time outside the senior unit! Youth events are starting again in week 2 and can’t wait to see you all there!   Emma Lange

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