Monday 26 February 2018

Senior Unit Update Term 1 Week 5

Week 5 is here and it starts off with a bang. Parliament and Civics and Citizenship is a part of our week and by the end of it the Year 7's will know their roles for parliament. This means we will be able to start helping and acting in the school community. The other big thing that is occurring is that we head towards camp next week, details will follow.
Keeping learning is what we are about but also we are working with the children to develop a range of Self- Discipline skills that will support them when moving through this school year and the years to come.

Last Friday application were due for roles students wished to apply for in our School Parliament. With 2/3 applying for a role we have been able to give most students a role they wanted. Students will find out what role they have on Friday and from there we will start the process of running the 2018 Student parliament.
Draws closer and a packing list will be posted and sent home later in the week. (Less chance of losing it before the day.) It is shaping as a great time  We look forward to great weather and learning about water safety.

For fun if interested

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