Monday 26 February 2018

Whole School Update Week 5 Term 1

Whole school reminders/updates:
·         We had a very successful Family Night on Friday with over 300 attending.  .
·         Thanks to our staff, Carers group and P&F group for helping with the food and preparations. Thanks school families for attending and supporting this start of year event
Rhythm Kids 2018
·         This is now held every Monday at 9.00am
·         A fun music program for all pre-schoolers aged 3-5 (and their parent) with Mr Hueppauff in room 5. 
Open Morning
·         Tomorrow Tuesday 27 Feb at 9.30am - for families interested in enrolling at Immanuel. 
·         If you have a sibling due to start in 2019 please ensure you have submitted the enrolment application form. 
Consent forms - camps / excursions
·         Just a friendly request that parents promptly return any consent forms by due dates so that the event preparations can be made.   Also help us keep our paper usage down by returning original forms instead of us needing to reprint. 
OSHC Survey  (Out of School Hours Care)
·         This survey was emailed to all families last Wednesday.  Please complete and submit by Friday 2/3/18. 
Subway Lunches
·         Please ensure orders are clearly noted onto the form and in by Wednesday 3.30pm for lunch on a Friday 
Click here for an order form or see the office
Junior Youth
·         Tuesday 4.00 to 5.30pm, in the Library with Emma Lange and Joanne Chamberlain
·         For all students in Year 4, 5, 6/7
Worship & Praise Friday 2 March February at 9.00am
·         Led by Mr Hueppauff  
2017 Year Book / Magazine
·         For sale @ $10 from the office  2017 Magazine

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