Monday 4 June 2018

Senior Unit Update Week 6 2018

We have come to week 6 of the term and things are motoring on in the Senior Unit. As we head to a long weekend we look forward to the 3 day break and a chance to rejuvenate. Here a a few things happening in the Senior Unit at the moment.

Laces for Braces
Thanks to everyone who has volunteered to sell colourful laces before and after school. It has been great to the enthusiasm in the children to participate in this event. Thanks to Rachel, Flynn, Bodhi, Jessie, Ava, Kaden, Niamh, Holly and Bethany.

Unit of Inquiry
In our latest Unit of Inquiry we are investigating exploration. To start us out we have an assignment to do on an explorer. Here is the information for this assignment. Due Friday end of UOI session.
Senior Unit Top
Today in Parliament discussion was had about getting a Year 7 top and Year 6 top for students this year. In the next week a note will come out with more information on this subject.

The Number Six
Being week 6 here are a few facts about the number 6.
- 6 is the first perfect number being that the sum of it's factors minus itself equal 6.
eg 1 + 2 + 3 = 6

- June is the sixth month of the year.

- Every Braille cell is made up of 6 dots.

- The 6th element on the periodic table is carbon.

- Australia's sixth Prime Minister was Andrew Fisher.

Devotion thought
Today Mrs Eckermann shared a devotion on Confidence and about stepping out in faith. She shared an excellent clip about this and encourage everyone to have a watch.

Have a great week and remember

What's the difference between a nicely dressed man on tricycle and a poorly dressed man on a bicycle? 
A tire.

Its back again this week and for those who found it last week it's the same but as only 4 hunters found it we will keep it going for this week.

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