Monday 3 September 2018

Senior Unit Update Week 7 Term 3

Starting with a bang this week. Would like to say plenty going on and there is but I feel like we say the same thing each time so.....

- there is nothing happening iu the Senior Unit this week. (Wink wink)

So onto the news in brief.

The year 6's are investigating measurement and have chosen a task to help them practice measurement and recording data. There has been a range of activities happening and lots of refining of our measuring processes.
Some of the activities we are trying
- footy kicks
- paper plan throw
- Water trickling
- Long jump
- Vortex throw etc
We look forward to seeing great measuring and data recording.

Christie's Walk Excursion
This Friday and next Tuesday students will be travelling to Adelaide to investigate Christie's Walk. This is part of our introduction to Exhibition and will provide the students with a chance to look at concepts relating to "Sharing the Planet."
On Friday the Year 7's will be having the first visit with the Year 6's going next Tuesday. A note went home tonight with the children and it would help us to have them back as soon as possible to help with the final part of planning.
We are also looking for parent support for the day to help us achieve all that we can. If you are interested in joining us for either day, email or come in to talk to us.
It is an awesome learning experience.

Unit of Inquiry
Our latest task for UOI is to investigate a form of renewable energy and make model of it showing how it works.
This is a hands on activity and we are looking at the investigation being a great chance to explore the future of energy.

Some examples of new energy projects are

Operation Christmas Child
Today we talked about Operation Christmas Child with our classes. For more information you can check out the site here.
Operation Christmas Child
Students were fairly excited by the prospect of helping others and have taken this project on board. We would like to have them completed by the end of Week 9 making Thursday the 20th of September the final day for packing boxes.
We will put more information out over the coming weeks.

Garbage collectors are rubbish drivers!

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