Monday 10 September 2018

Senior Unit Update Week 8 Term 3

Wow it's week 8 and there has been plenty of thins happening in the Senior Unit. Lets take a look at what has been going on.

Unit of Inquiry
We are coming to the close of our Energy unit and we are in the process of making models to show a renewable energy source and describe how it works. It has been great to see the new energy ideas people have and hopefully we will see these in the future. The models don't need to be working models as we aren't looking to power the state with these models but they should show the process of getting energy. We look forward to seeing the models and reading the information.
Assignments are due on Wednesday for all students.                                                                                               Solar Tower

We are starting exhibition this week. As a beginning to this there has been an excursion to Adelaide to Christie Walk where children have looked at how we can live in conjunction with the environment and become more efficient with our recycling. Our Exhibition focus is on Sharing the Planet and this excursion is a great start to the Exhibition

GLWD Book Club
Last week the GLWD book club met to discuss the book "How to Bee" by Bren MacDibble. This book was short listed for the 2018 young readers award and was the eventual winner of this section.
Our discussion on the book was a little longer than usual but was great to have. If you want to hear our discussion check it out here How to Bee book discussion. Warning story spoilers ahead.

All for now so Ciao

Last Thought
Justice is a dish best served cold because if it were served warm, it would be just water.

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