Tuesday 29 May 2018

Christian Studies - Sprituality

Today we continued our discussion on Spirituality.
We spoke about that spirituality is about knowing/feeling that there is something more.
Our focus was on Christian Spirituality today and we watched a couple clips of Gary Ablett Jr as he shared his faith in football.

Gary Ablett interview 

AFL players and Jesus

We discussed that spirituality can give you balance in your life.

As part of the session today we also look at Indigenous Spirituality and  how it is connected to their stories and the land.

We watched the story of Tiddalick

In our activity we looked at this story and a few questions to help us engage. These questions were

1) Where do they (Indigenous people) find meaning in the story?
2) How do they fell connected?
3) How should they live? 

This provided a good discussion about connection and perspective.

Monday 28 May 2018

Senior Unit Update Week 5 Term 2

The Senior Unit is in full swing again this week. There is lots of things happening around the school that involve the Senior Students.

SAPSASA Football
Good Luck to Harvey and Kobe as they participate in the SAPSASA football comp. We hope they  play well and show good sportsmanship. Have fun boys on this adventure.  https://padlet.com/benj/squirrelsareexperimenting
Last week as part of our new Unit of Inquiry we had a range of science experiments and conversations. It was great to see everyone getting involved and having a go at the range of different science concepts.
As a taste of concepts we looked at
Mr Semmler - Centripetal Force
Mr Jones - Non Newtonian Fluids
Mrs Eckermann - Air Pressure and weight distribution.
As we start to investigate science and exploration we look forward to seeing the direction that we will go.

Students are practising and getting ready for the Cabaret. It is great to see so many Senior students getting involved in this school event.
Reminder Cabaret is the end of Week 7 so get your tickets now.

Worship and Praise 
A special thanks to the Jones class that participated in worship last week. They did a great job and it was nice to see the return of Jane and Grelmo. Thanks again Senior students.

That's all for now but leave you with one thought

If you have been thinking of singing karaoke with a friend, just duet!

I'm back try to find my page.

Whole School Update Week 5

Whole school reminders/updates:

Laces for Braces Day
  • On Friday 8th June the whole school will take part in an awareness day about people with Clubfoot.  It is a worthy cause and funds raised will support the Women’s and Children’s Hospital.
  • Club foot is a congenital deformity of the foot that effects about one out of 1,000 babies. It is caused by the abnormal development of a baby’s bones, ligaments and muscles whilst in the womb. Without treatment to help straighten the child’s foot/legs it can cause a lifetime of disability which includes pain and difficulty walking.
  • We will be selling $1 ‘racy neon coloured shoe laces’ after school next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday outside the office. On Friday students can wear them in their shoes.  $1 cupcakes will be available for recess on the Friday too.
    These need to be pre-ordered via the order form being sent home this Wednesday. 

Open Morning Tuesday 29 May 9.30am
  • This is for any new / interested families looking at schools in Gawler.  If you know anyone with an interest in enrolling their child for 2019 or beyond please let them know. 
  • If you have a sibling due to commence in 2019 or 2020 please ensure you have filled in an enrolment application form so we have their name on our data base. 

ICAS Testing – Science Tuesday 29 May

Sausage in a Roll Lunch Deal $5 on Friday 1 June   (NO SUBWAY THIS WEEK)
  • Orders due in by Wednesday 30 May.  Click here for order form
  • Money raised will be used participate in the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox campaign in term 4
  • Thanks Carers Group

Reconciliation Day – Wednesday 30 May – Apex Park Julian Terrace Gawler
  • This is a community event, so families and friends are welcome to attend.   Click here for details.
    Year 1’s are going at 9.30-11.30am (approx), Year 3’s are going at 9.30-2.30pm (approx) & the Indigenous group are going with Jo Chamberlain at 9.30-2.30pm.
  • In the case of bad weather the event will be held at the Gawler Recreation Centre and we will make an executive decision in the morning on whether to attend or not. 

Author Visit – Adam Cece will be here Wednesday 30 May 10.30am
  • Students can purchase a book Wesley Booth Super Sleuth $6 or The Extremely weird thing that happened in Huggabie Falls $14
  • Please bring in the correct money. 

Disco - Friday 1 June – Junior Primary 6-7pm, Upper Primary 7.30-8.45pm.
  • Please return forms by Tuesday 29 May.  Wristbands will be sent home via students on Thursday 31 May.  Students are to wear these to the disco on Friday night.   
  • Thank you to the many parents who have volunteered to help – we really appreciate it.   If you need more detailsClick here

Worship & Praise this Friday 1 June at 9am with Miss Wain and her Foundation class – all welcome

Master planning Input
  • Our school is currently undergoing a Masterplanning process with a view to a building programme in the next year or so. Our school council and staff have inputted into this process as well as  our current school captains.
  • On Wednesday 20th June our school architect Peter Goern will be on site and we would value to the input any school parents/caregivers might have. This will be in the staff room at 9.00am and you are warmly invited to join in for a coffee and a think tank for 30mins or so as we develop designs and plans for an exciting couple of years. 

Friday Electives
  • Next round of electives is Week 5 & 6 (Friday 1 June & 8 June).   If you are a parent who would like to help with a group please let us know

·         P&F’s - Giant Raffle – don’t miss out on purchasing a ticket
  • The draw date has been extended to Cabaret Night (15/6/18) 
  • Only $20 a ticket to win a Kitchen Aid Cook Pro worth $2,099 plus other prizes

Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser at Bunnings – Monday 11 June 9-5pm.  Our P&F have secured this opportunity.
  • If you can help on the BBQ please go to www.schoolinterviews.com.au and enter the code sse8n and choose the best timeslot for you to help or add your name on the roster in the school office.  Click here to read more.

Cabaret – Friday 15 June 7 to 9.30pm – tickets on sale now – Adults $10, Children $2.  Click here to read more.
Art Competition – students can submit a piece of Art by Tuesday 12 June – this will be judged at Cabaret evening. 
Click here to read more.

Have a good week.  

Monday 21 May 2018

Worship and Praise this Friday

Missed this in the Update.

Senior Unit Jones class is on Worship and Praise this week. Come along Friday at 9.00pm and join in our Worship and Praise.

Senior Unit Update Week 4 Term 2 2018

Welcome to Week 4. As we get into the term now things are flowing and new topics are beginning. Here is a bit of what is happening this week.

Christian Studies 
Our discussion on spirituality have been rather interesting with many different prospective being shared. It is great to know we have a diverse understanding of the topic. We have talked about spirituality and what people think, this week we have guest speaker who will talk with us about their experience and we will be looking at spirituality form a christian perspective.

Congratulations to all students have tried out for SAPSASA teams this year. At the moment students are trying for or have been picked for sports like football, netball, hockey and cross country. We wish all of our students the best in these endeavours and we know you will represent the school well.

Unit Of Inquiry
We have finished the mental health unit. This week we begin our new topic in the transdiciplinary field of "Where we are in place and time." I will be a great learning experience as we delve into exploration and what it brings to our lives.

Where We Are In Place And Time. - An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives.

The Cabaret is on this term and this week students have a chance to try out for he show. Try outs happen this we so bring you gear and be ready to perform. Break a leg all involved.

Secret Squirrel Page
As not many people found it last week it will stay the same for one more week. Good hunting for the page.

Whole School Updates Week 4 Term 2 2018

Whole school reminders/updates:

Thanks to all who attended Pentecost Sunday Worship here at our school yesterday. 
Thanks to Mr Hueppauff and the school band, Emma Lange and the students in the drama group, the dance group girls and Mrs Joanne Chamberlain and our local pastors.

·         Walk to School for Gawler Health this Friday 25 May Staff, students and family members encouraged to walk to school from one of the 3 locations
Meet at
Distance to walk
Start time
Clonlea Park Reserve, Murray St
Dead Man’s Pass Reserve, Gawler Tce
Tikka Talian Restaurant, Sunnydale Ave
    • Pay $2 per person – receive a sticker, a certificate and breakfast (piece of fruit and bowl of cereal) upon arriving at school.
      Tea and coffee available for parents.   
      Click here to read how to register. 

Worship & Praise this Friday 25 May at 9am with Mr Jones and his yr 6/7’s – all welcome

Friday Electives
  • Next round of electives is Week 5 & 6 (Friday 1 June & 8 June).   If you are a parent who would like to help with a group please let us know

·         P&F’s - Giant Raffle – don’t miss out on purchasing a ticket
  • The draw date has been extended to Cabaret Night (15/6/18) 
  • Only $20 a ticket to win a Kitchen Aid Cook Pro worth $2,099 plus other prizes

Reconciliation Day – Gawler Community event – Wednesday 30 May – Apex Park Julian Terrace Gawler
Year 1, year 3 and indigenous students will be attending this event.   It is a community event, so families and friends are welcome to go too. 
Click here for details.

Disco - Friday 1 June – Junior Primary 6-7pm, Upper Primary 7.30-8.45pm. 
Details and ticket purchase form went home last Friday.  
Click here to read details.  Purchase your tickets by Tues

Sausage in a Hot Roll Lunch – Friday 1 June – order forms going home end of this week

Laces for Braces Day – Friday 8 June – details out soon

Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser at Bunnings – Monday 11 June 9-5pm.  Our P&F have secured this opportunity.
If you can help on the BBQ please go to www.schoolinterviews.com.au and enter the code sse8n and choose the best timeslot for you to help.    Click here to read more.

Cabaret – Friday 15 June 7 to 9.30pm – tickets on sale now – Adults $10, Children $2.  Click here to read more. 

Have a good week.  

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Other Senior Unit things

There is always a range of things happening in the Senior Unit and it can sometimes be hard to keep it all up to date. Here are a few other things going on or have happened.

GLWD Book Club Podcast
We have a book club that has been reading books and then discussing them in a podcast. We continue to get better at it and the podcast will probably evolve as the year progresses. If you have some spare time and want to hear what we have to say have a listen.

Our latest podcast is on "The Mysterious Benedict Society"

Secret Squirrel
The Secret Squirrel is back after a hiatus, good luck in finding him.

AFL Clinic
Last Thursday we Senior Unit participated in an AFL clinic. While it was a bit wet it was great to see everyone get out and have a kick.

Keep tuned for more.

Monday 14 May 2018

Senior Unit Update Week 3 Term 2

Welcome one and all to Week 3. As the weather has finally started to get cooler, the Senior Unit is starting to heat up its learning to yet another level.

Mother’s Day

A belated happy Mother’s Day fro the Senior Unit staff to all the mothers, grand mothers and great grand mothers. Hopefully you were all treated well and spoilt by your loved ones.


This is one of those weeks that loom on the calendar. In the Senior Unit we try to attack this week as a good opportunity to show what we know. We wish the Year Seven’s all the very best and to remember to just have a red hot go.

Unit of Inquiry

This Thursday is the due date for the Walk a Mile in My Shoes Assignment. It has been great to see st Dents using their initiative in this task and working that little bit extra. It has also been pleasing to see  students begin to demonstrate empathy through this task for people who suffer from mental health illnesses.

Christian Studies

A big thanks to all who participated in our spirituality survey. It was a great support to have students discuss and share your responses. Here is a Venn Diagram that we found that tries to define spirituality and how it ties in with religion. It has certainly promoted a lot of discussion between some staff members. What do you think? (Sorry about the quality of the pic)

Whole School Reminders Week 3 Term 2

Whole school reminders/updates:

We hope all our school mums, grandmas and special friends had a lovely Mother’s Day Sunday.
Thanks Carers Group for the lovely gifts available at the stall last week to spoil our mum’s with. 

Uniform – label, label
  • Please ensure all green jumpers, rugby sports jumpers, hats, drink bottles and lunch boxes are clearly labelled with your child’s name.  Then if something is misplaced we can return it.  We have so many items brought to the lost property box with no name.  Thank you.   

Scholastic Book Fair this week in the Library
  • All classes will visit the Library with their teacher early this week and write a wish list of books.  Students can then bring some money to purchase a book if they want to.    

NAPLAN Testing
  • This Tues, Weds, Thurs for students in Years 3, 5 & 7.  Please refer to the letter being sent home today or on our website. Naplan.   Students who have music tutoring or who meet with agencies will have these timetables altered around the NAPLAN tests. 

Volunteers Training Session (VSC) thisWednesday 16 May at 2.30pm or 6.30pm with Daryl in the staffroom.  
·         Please RSVP to Jenny or to have more info.   
·         We welcome parents to help volunteer around the school, but you do need to have done the VSC training (every 3 years), and a current National Police Certificate (these are valid for 3 years only).    A volunteer name badge is be provided once these 2 certificates are in place.    When volunteering please sign in at the office and wear your name badge.  

Junior Youth every Thursday this term 4pm to 5.30pm
  • For students in years 4, 5, 6/7 with Emma Lange in Mr Semmler’s room

Friday Electives

Worship & Praise this Friday 18 May at 9am with Mr Lord and his yr 2’s – all welcome
Assembly next Monday 21 May at 2.45pmwith Year 5 students

Pentecost Sunday 20 May
  • The Gawler Lutheran Church will worship at Immanuel School on Sunday 20 May 2018  to celebrate PENTECOST SUNDAY 
  • Service starts at 10am, school families welcome to come and worship too, a shared lunch will follow (please bring a plate of food to share).
  • The schools dance group, band and drama group will perform  

·         P&F’s - Giant “Chefs Toolbox”  Raffle – don’t miss out on purchasing a ticket
  • The draw date has been extended to Cabaret Night (15/6/18
  • Only $20 a ticket to win a Kitchen Aid Cook Pro worth $2,099 plus other prizes

Found to Year 3 Music Lessons – learning the Recorder
  • Mr Hueppauff is teaching students melodies through the playing of recorders. The class set of recorders get washed with eucalyptus oil and water after every class. This is a natural antiseptic!
  • If you would like your child to have their own, you can purchase them through B-Music in Gawler for $8.95
Year 4 Music Lessons – learning the Ukulele
  • Mr Hueppauff is teaching students melodies through the playing of ukuleles.  We do have a class set of ukuleles, however if you would like your child to have their own, you can purchase through B-Music in Gawler for $39.  We use the ukuleles in year 4 and year 5.

Coming Soon
Disco  - Friday 1 June
Sausage in a Hot Roll Lunch – Friday 1June (no Subway this week)
Laces for Braces Day – Friday 8 June
Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser at Bunnings – Monday 11 June
Cabaret – Friday 15 June

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Senior Unit Update Week 2 Term 2

Welcome to week 2 and as the term starts to hit a new gear here is a look at what is happening in the Senior Unit.

Next week the Year 7's will be sitting the NAPLAN test. This will occur over 4 days.

Unit of Inqiry
We have begun our latest assignment for our Unit of Inquiry. In this assignment you need to look at the effects of a mental illness has on relationships and also how getting support and help is important improving mental health.
There are 3 parts to the assignment
- identifying the mental illness
- journal entries of a person with that mental illness showing the journey towards improved mental health
- Websites and places to get support with mental health.

Christian Studies
In Christian Studies this term we are looking at Spirituality and what it means and what people think about. Last Thursday a a Senior Unit we had a great discussion about what we think about spirituality and came up with lots of thoughts and ideas. From this we have 3 questions that we need to ask people around us about to get a larger understanding of spirituality. It is going to be an interesting topic and we look forward to seeing where it takes us.

AFL Clinic
On Thursday the Senior Unit will be participating in an AFL clinic and for this will need to wear sports uniform to make it easier to participate.

That's it for the time being, have a great week.