Monday 26 February 2018

Senior Unit Update Term 1 Week 5

Week 5 is here and it starts off with a bang. Parliament and Civics and Citizenship is a part of our week and by the end of it the Year 7's will know their roles for parliament. This means we will be able to start helping and acting in the school community. The other big thing that is occurring is that we head towards camp next week, details will follow.
Keeping learning is what we are about but also we are working with the children to develop a range of Self- Discipline skills that will support them when moving through this school year and the years to come.

Last Friday application were due for roles students wished to apply for in our School Parliament. With 2/3 applying for a role we have been able to give most students a role they wanted. Students will find out what role they have on Friday and from there we will start the process of running the 2018 Student parliament.
Draws closer and a packing list will be posted and sent home later in the week. (Less chance of losing it before the day.) It is shaping as a great time  We look forward to great weather and learning about water safety.

For fun if interested

Whole School Update Week 5 Term 1

Whole school reminders/updates:
·         We had a very successful Family Night on Friday with over 300 attending.  .
·         Thanks to our staff, Carers group and P&F group for helping with the food and preparations. Thanks school families for attending and supporting this start of year event
Rhythm Kids 2018
·         This is now held every Monday at 9.00am
·         A fun music program for all pre-schoolers aged 3-5 (and their parent) with Mr Hueppauff in room 5. 
Open Morning
·         Tomorrow Tuesday 27 Feb at 9.30am - for families interested in enrolling at Immanuel. 
·         If you have a sibling due to start in 2019 please ensure you have submitted the enrolment application form. 
Consent forms - camps / excursions
·         Just a friendly request that parents promptly return any consent forms by due dates so that the event preparations can be made.   Also help us keep our paper usage down by returning original forms instead of us needing to reprint. 
OSHC Survey  (Out of School Hours Care)
·         This survey was emailed to all families last Wednesday.  Please complete and submit by Friday 2/3/18. 
Subway Lunches
·         Please ensure orders are clearly noted onto the form and in by Wednesday 3.30pm for lunch on a Friday 
Click here for an order form or see the office
Junior Youth
·         Tuesday 4.00 to 5.30pm, in the Library with Emma Lange and Joanne Chamberlain
·         For all students in Year 4, 5, 6/7
Worship & Praise Friday 2 March February at 9.00am
·         Led by Mr Hueppauff  
2017 Year Book / Magazine
·         For sale @ $10 from the office  2017 Magazine

Wednesday 21 February 2018

Macca's or Bust

Macca’s or Bust Excursion

Last Tuesday, the Year 7’s went on a Maths excursion to Macca’s. They were given a task to figure out how long it would take to walk there and how far away it was. The students were divided into two groups and both groups took two different directions to get there. Group A took the shorter route and got there in 20.15 mins while Group B took the longer route which took them 26.19 mins to get there. When the Year 7’s got there they had to calculate how long it took for them to get served. The class average was 2 minutes. Each student was allowed to bring $7 to spend on lunch. On the trip back, both groups took the same route and made it home in 19.36 minutes.
Maddy and Porsha

Tuesday 20 February 2018

Year 6 Sorting

In Year 6 maths we have been looking at and doing some sorting. Sorting is the basis of our organisation and helps us to see patterns in the world. Check out some of the sorting we have done this week at the sorting page

Monday 19 February 2018

Senior Unit Update Week 4 Term 1 2018
Well we keep on moving forward in the Senior Unit. The expectation is high in the Senior Unit and we look to reach this mark on all occasions. While sometimes that bar seems so high, we still strive to achieve it and it is in the striving that we find success.

This week in the Senior Unit with routines in place it is all about the learning. Here are some of the highlights for the week ahead.

Unit of Inquiry
As we continue on our investigation of Advertising and persuasive techniques used by advertisers to get us to buy products.
This week we will be presenting our understanding of an advertisement and the techniques used in them to persuade the consumer. This is an oral presentation with a partner and we look forward to seeing what our inquiry produces.

Year 6 Maths - Sorting
This week in Year 6 maths we are looking into sorting and discussing how it helps us to be organised.
We talked about things we sort and keep organised. Discussion on clothes and rooms was interesting as many said they had floordrobes and it can sometimes be hard to keep that sorted. We talked about places like super markets and that the organisation of these places helps us to find the products we looking forward.
Check back for more on sorting through the week.

More to come through the week.

Whole School Update Week 4

Whole school reminders/updates:
Family Night - get together
·       Friday 23 February - from 4pm to 6.30pm
·       An evening for all school families to come together, have a meal, some games and fun
·       Click here for information and order form
Subway Lunches
·        Please ensure orders are clearly written onto the form and in by Wednesday 3.30pm for lunch on a Friday 
Click here for an order form or see the office
Junior Youth
·       Tuesday 4.00 to 5.30pm, in the Library with Emma Lange and Joanne Chamberlain
·       For all students in Year 4, 5, 6/7
Rhythm Kids 2018
·       This has been changed to Mondays from week 5 at 9.00am to suit families better
·       For all pre-schoolers aged 3-5 (and their parent) with Mr Hueppauff in room 5. 
Worship & Praise Friday 16 February at 9.00am
·       Led by Pastor Eugene Minge
2017 Year Book / Magazine
·        For sale @ $10 from the office  2017 Magazine
·       In the coming weeks we will be issuing two separate surveys.
·       One will be from a company called RADII and will be an overall school satisfaction survey
·       One will be in a Survey Monkey form and will be questions about OSHC and Vac Care
·       All families are encouraged to take the time to give feedback so we can seek continual improvement

Monday 12 February 2018

Student Parliament

Today the Year 7's discussed the student parliament and the roles they can apply for this year.

Application are due Friday of Week 4 (23/2/18)

Here are the roles you can apply for.

Prime Minister (1)
A leader in the parliament setting and reports to the school community at assembly with the Opposition Leader about issues and positives discussed at Student Parliament. Meeting with School Leadership members at times to discuss larger ideas and issues discussed in parliament. Set up parliament seating arrangement on days of sitting.

Opposition Leader (1)
A leader in the parliament setting and reports to the school community at assembly with the Prime Minister about issues and positives discussed at Student Parliament. Meeting with School Leadership members at times to discuss larger ideas and issues discussed in parliament. Set up parliament seating arrangement on days of sitting.

Speaker (1)
Leader and organiser of Student Parliament sessions. The speaker controls the running of parliament sessions and has a rundown for each session allowing opportunity for all parliamentarians to have a say in the parliament setting. They need to make on the spot decisions (with support) about things that might need to be voted on. Working with Prime Minister and Opposition Leader decide on things that need to be shared at assembly. Welcome invited guests into Student Parliament.

Clerk (2)
The record keepers of the parliament. They take the minutes for each parliament session. Have a copy of the minutes for the speaker, Prime Minister and Opposition Leader at the start of each session. Read the previous minutes out to parliament at the start of a new sitting to highlight points still to be covered. Have minutes of sessions ready to put on the Senior Unit Blog.

Class Member (14- 20)
Member for their respective class. Meet with class twice a term to discuss issues, positives and improvements. Report to parliament about what they discussed in their class meeting. Report to class about parliament discussions to help remind class of what has been previously discussed. Spend time with class in-between parliament sittings to develop a greater relationship with students. (With 14 classes to care for some might have members per class)

Ministers for Community and Public Affairs (4)
Organise and coordinate events around the school. Work out events like casual days and meet with leadership to talk through ideas to organise events for the year. Promote events as they get closer to the date and talk about them at assembly as needed. Organising and report on offering from Worship and Praise at assembly to keep the school up to date on what we are supporting and also how much we have to date. Offering destination decided on in conjunction with student parliament and school staff/leadership. (This needs to be worked out within the first 5 weeks of term 1.)

Ministers for Sport (4)
Coordinate with Sports Coordinator to help set up sports events and organise sports gear. Help to maintain sports equipment for classes and check regularly to make sure they have gear. Report to parliament about sport happenings around the school and support the setup of events when needed around the school community.

Ministers for Environmental Affairs (4)
Coordinate things that are happening around the school to do with the environment. Work with 4/5 on gardens and support any of the environmental programmes occurring at the school. Report to parliament about environment issues at the school and looks into things the school can do to be more environmentally friendly. Look into recycling programmes etc.

Ministers for Technology (2)
Coordinate technology needs in the Senior Unit and take care of ICT equipment in the Senior Unit. Learn about and help to set up AV equipment for both assembly and Worship and Praise. Work the PowerPoint where possible during assembly and Worship and Praise. Report to parliament on technology issues in the Senior Unit and around the school. During the year they need to look at the Year 5’s and choose 2 to train in the use of the ICT equipment.

Ministers for Art (4)
Coordinate things that are happening around the school to do with the art. Look at ways to promote art in our school and art done at our school.
Look at all forms of art (visual, music, drama, dance) and how these can be grown in the school and supported.
Help with concert when it comes around and other art events in the school.

We look forward to seeing your application. For more information talk to Mr Jones or Mrs Eckermann

Senior Unit Update Week 3

Excursions is the theme of the week! Here is the happenings for this week.

Year 6 Parliament House and Government House visit.
Tomorrow the Year 6's head out to parliament and government house. It will be a great chance to learn about our political system and see the inner workings of government house.
Students will leave after the second bell and will be back before the end of the school day.

Children need to be dressed in formal uniform and have a recess/lunch in a disposable bag. We discussed sharing bags when we go to the city to carry our things in.
Thanks for all those who offered to come with us on this journey.

Year 7 Macca's or Bust
Tomorrow also the Year 7's will be having their Macca's or bust visit for their maths session. This is a great maths task and we wish them all the best for their adventure.
Year 7's need to wear sports uniform.

Camp Notes
Camp notes went home last week. Please get them back to us by the due date to help us with numbers. A packing list for camp will come out in Week 5 letting you know what to bring.
Hint - Bathers and towel.

More to follow, tune in latter in the week.

Whole School Update Week 3

Shrove Tuesday (Pancake day) - tomorrow!
·         Tuesday 13 February - pancakes for everyone before school from 8am - outside the Senior Unit
Coffee & tea for parents will be brewing too!    
Volunteer Training (VSC)
·         Wednesday14 February at 2.30pm and 6.30pm with Daryl Trigg in the staffroom. 
·         Please attend this training session if you have an interest in helping around the school and on excursions. 
See our website for further information
Subway Lunches
·         Please ensure orders are clearly written onto the form and in by Wednesday 3.30pm for lunch on a Friday 
Click here for an order form or see the office
Junior Youth
·         Tuesday 4.00 to 5.30pm, in the Library with Emma Lange and Joanne Chamberlain
·         For all students in Year 4, 5, 6/7
Rhythm Kids 2018
·         Starts this Wednesday 14/2/18 at  2.40pm to 3.25pm
·         For all pre-schoolers aged 3-5 (and their parent) with Mr Hueppauff in room 5. 
Worship & Praise Friday 16 February at 9.00am
·         Led by Mrs Chamberlain  (Child, Youth and Families / Chaplain)
Assembly next Monday 19 February at 2.45pm with the year 3's in Taikondi
·         Parents invited to join us
Family Night - get together
·         Friday 23 February - from 4pm to 6.30pm
·         An evening for all school families to come together, have a meal, some games and fun
·         Click here for information and order form
2017 Year Book / Magazine
·         For sale @ $10 from the office  2017 Magazine

Monday 5 February 2018

Unit of Inquiry

At the start of this term we are focusing on media and advertising for our first Unit of Inquiry.

This topic comes under the banner of the Transdisciplinary theme of "How We Express Ourselves"
This is:

An inquiry into ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values, the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity, our appreciation of the aesthetic.

The Central Idea for this Inquiry is

Media and Advertising Influence Our Thinking

The Lines of Inquiry are

- The purposes of the media
- Various media can manipulate words, images and sounds to create messages
- The media can affect our opinion and thinking

With plenty to explore and inquire into it is shaping as a great learning experience.

There is a question on our media and advertising wall. Feel free to contribute.

Check out this creative ad

Senior Unit Update Week 2 Term 1

Week 2 is here and the momentum kicks in. With a greater familiarity with Senior Unit routines we are able to continue with great learning. Here is what is happening in the Senior Unit.

Year 6 Parliament and Government House visits
On Tuesday 13th of February the Year 6's will be having a visit to Parliament and Government house. This is a great opportunity to find out about our parliament system and also the role of the Governor in our state.
We will be leaving the school soon after the bell and be back before the end of the school day for normal pick up.
Information is in a note that came home
If you are willing to volunteer for the trip please contact us as soon as possible.

Children have mathletics account now. They are expected to complete 1000 points for the week. This can be split into 4 lots of 250 points if you wish to break it up over the week. Good Luck and happy Mathleticing.

Whole School Update Week 2

Whole school reminders/updates:
Subway Lunches start this week
·         Orders in by Wednesday 3.30pm for lunch on a Friday 
Click here for an order form or see the office
School Crossing Monitors
·         Click here to see the roster for year 5, 6/7 students to assist as a School Crossing Monitor.
·         We are in need of a few new Parent Helpers.  Please consider helping with this important job role.  
There is a training session Friday 9/2 at 9.30am.   
Junior Youth
·         Starts Tuesday 4.00 to 5.30pm, in the Library with Emma Lange and Joanne Chamberlain
·         For all students in Year 4, 5, 6/7
Carers Group
·         First meeting Thursday 8th February 9am - staffroom - all welcome
     Click here to read more about the Carers group
Parents & Friends (P&F) Group
·         First meeting & AGM Thursday 8th February 7pm - staffroom - all welcome 
Click here to read more about the P&F group and the meeting agenda
Worship & Praise:  Friday 9th February at 9.00am
·         Led by Mrs Eckermann
·         Miss Anthea Lytwyn will be here saying farewell
·         All families and friends are invited to join us in Taikondi (shelter) & stay for a cuppa and a chat following the service
Shrove Tuesday (Pancake day)
·         Next Tuesday 13 February - pancakes for everyone before school from 8am.  
Coffee for parents will be brewing too!    
Volunteering at Immanuel
To be a registered volunteer at Immanuel parents need to
1.    Have a current Police Check Certificate
2.    Attend a VSC Training session on Weds 14 Feb at 2.30pm or 6.30pm with Daryl Trigg in the staffroom. 
(Both of these have a 3 year lifespan).  See our website for further information
Rhythm Kids 2018
·         Wednesdays  2.40pm to 3.25pm (starts next Weds 14 Feb)
·         Music Room Number 5 with Mr Hueppauff
·         For all pre-schoolers aged 3-5 (and their parent)  
Family Night - get together
·         Friday 23 February - from 4pm 
More details and meal order form will go out on Friday  
Class Handbooks 2018
·         Thank you for attending the parent info night last week. 
·         The class handbooks have now been uploaded onto our website
2017 Year Book / Magazine
·         At the end of last year we created a 2017 year book - it's back from the printers and for sale @ $10.
·         Order forms will go home soon.