Wednesday 26 September 2018

Wednesday morning thought

I dig, 
you dig, 
we dig, 
he dig, 
she dig, 
they dig... 
It's not a beautiful poem but it's very deep.

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Student Led Conference.... Exhibition Edition

At the Student Led Conference last night we shared this power point about the exhibition. It gives a perspective on what everyone can do as part of the Exhibition process.

iPad app

At a conference I attended recently I ran across this app called "clips." It is a great app for taking short clips and splicing them together to make a small clip movie. It will be an app that could be useful as we head into exhibition as it could provide interesting short clips that you could make.

Test it out over the holidays and have a play to see what you think.

Have fun!

Monday 24 September 2018

Exhibition continues.....

The Exhibition Journey is well underway.

It was great to see and talk to parents tonight at our student led conference about the exhibition process. At the start we shared a clip about exhibition which can be found here

Today we were able to finalise the exhibition groups and start our brainstorming process. This will lead to groups knowing what their focus is and what they want to know more about.

As part of the thinking on exhibition we are looking at ideas through the key concept lenses.
These key concepts help to focus the exhibition thinking and will at times guide the direction the group will be moving in. It helps to consolidate topics and ides.

To help with this process we have some focus questions to guide their brainstorming of ideas

We look forward to seeing their thinking on their topic and working out the direction their group will take.

Whole School Update Week 10 Term 3

Whole school reminders/updates:

What a great performance from all our F-3 students.  Thank you everyone for supporting and attending.  We hope you enjoyed it.  Please click on the link below to provide some feedback about the concert.

Student Led Conferences – these are tonight Monday 24 September.
Thank you for booking a timeslot.  Please enjoy your classroom visit.

THURSDAY / MAILDAY – This Thursday we will be sending home the following …

Newsletter – our last one for this term.

NAPLAN results for students in Yr 3 /5 /7 (These are being sent home to parents in a sealed gold envelope.  Please keep these documents in a safe location as they are often required when enrolling in a secondary school). 

ICT changes for 2019 Yr 4 /5/ 6 students (This information will go to our current Yr 3 /4/ 5 families).
No Junior Youth this Thursday, 27 September.

Subway lunches are available this Friday, please have your orders in before 3.30pm on Wednesday, 26 September.

Term 3 ends this Friday, 28 September – normal dismissal time of 3.25pm.
It’s a Jeans for Genes dress day  students can wear their blue jeans & bring a gold coin donation.

Term 4 commences on Monday,15 October.
Summer uniform is worn in Term 4.  This refers to grey shorts and S/S shirt for boys and summer dress for girls in Yr 2-7.   The official sports uniform is to be worn on the designated days.   (F’s & Yr 1’s wear sports uniform every day.)

Lost Property – Uniform items
  • There are so many rugby tops and jumpers in the Lost Property box in the office – not named!   If you are missing something please come and retrieve it. 
  • Please put your child’s name on uniform items and other items.  Please remind your child that if they take off their jumpers they are to put them in their bag and take them home. 

The Mayors Christmas Card 2018 Competition
  • Open for F to Year 5 students.
  • Entries must be returned to Immanuel School by Thursday, 27 September or direct to the Town of Gawler Office by Friday,28 September.
  • Entry forms are available from the school office or click here

Gawler Youth holiday programs – click here to find out what you can do and how to register.

End of Term 4 Arrangements
  • Our last school day for 2018 will be on Wednesday 12 December with our Graduation Service at 2.00pm. 
  • We will be offering care arrangements for students who need it on the Thursday 13th / Friday 14th December and more details will follow later.

Thursday 20 September 2018

Gawler Youth Leader Program

The Town of Gawler invites the following to participate in the Gawler Youth Leadership Program:

Gawler Youth Advisory Committee members

Town of Gawler registered Youth Program volunteers, and Student leaders from local  schools/Colleges

The Program is an initiative from Councils Youth Development area promoting young people as active citizens and existing Town leaders, providing capacity building opportunities.
The Program delivers four (4) one day opportunities that are held during school holiday periods.
The Program date is Tuesday, 9 October 2018 from 9.30am – 3.30pm at the Gawler Sport and Community Centre, 7 Nixon Terrace, Gawler.

The day will include:
Influence the programs, activities and events that are to be held in the new Civic Centre Youth Space opening early 2018.
Team building activities
Lunch and nibbles

Date: Tuesday, 9 October 2018
Start: 9.30am
Finish: 3.30pm
Location: Gawler Sport and Community Centre
7 Nixon Terrace, Gawler

Dress: Casual
Contact: Ebony Steadman, Youth Development Officer – Town of Gawler
8522 9295 / 0499 800 805
RSVP: Wednesday, 26 September 2018
Note: Young people attending are required to complete the attached forms.

Forms can be collected from Mr Jones

Monday 17 September 2018

Senior Unit Update Week 9 Term 3

Exhibition has begun...
Exciting times are underway in the Senior Unit as the task of presenting an Exhibition has begun. If you want more information on what the Exhibition is, make sure you book a Student Led Conference time. During these sessions you will be walked through what the Exhibition is, what it curtails and what the students will discuss with you some key parts of their learning. 
We have a shared Central Idea for our Exhibition this year and it is...
Human lifestyles can affect the world and its people.
This Central Idea covers the transdisciplinary theme of Sharing the Planet. Discussions and ideas amongst students are already flowing.

The Exhibition Evening is Wednesday Week 5. We looking forward to seeing you all here.

Image result for bike riding animalsBike Ed

We have the wonderful Bike Ed people visiting us this next term to take our students for bike riding, bike safety and road safety. This will be held on Fridays starting from Week 3 (2nd November). The students will be engaged in 6 sessions of Bike Ed. More info will be out soon.

To help us plan for Bike Ed, can we please have forms back asap so that we can pass on the crucial information to the instructors. 

Ooh, Graduation is coming...
Image result for GraduationGraduation - will be on the Wednesday 12th December with our End of Year service at 2pm
Celebration Evening – we have shifted the timing of this to the Thursday evening of the final week (13th December). This will allow more time in preparation and avoid clashing with a feeder secondary school.  The evening will be for parents (and caregivers) and students (only) and will involve a celebration dinner.

A Final Thought:
Life can be so confusing...

Related image

Whole School Update Week 9 Term 3

Concert is this week!  Ticket sales have been outstanding and have sold out!
  • Matinee Concert starts at 12.30pm Wednesday 19 September
Guests can arrive from 12noon and enjoy a complimentary tea/coffee & biscuit.
Concert will conclude about 2pm.  Students can go home following the matinee with their caregiver, who will need to sign the child/ren out on the class lists at the office
  • Evening Concert starts 6.30pm Thursday 20 September
Students need to be at school at 6pm.  Guests can enjoy a complimentary tea/coffee & biscuit. 
  • Tickets were sent home via students last Friday 14 September.   Please note there is a different ticket for Matinee and Evening Concert.  Click here to see where your seats are located and know where to.    Click here for a note with some last minute concert information for F-3 students. 
Student Free Day Friday 21 September (whole school)
OSHC care 7am to 6pm will be provided by our staff $25 for a full day.  If you need care and haven’t yet booked please do so via Jenny in the office or return this form ASAP.
No Subway lunches this Friday (if you put one in it will be held for week 10)
Family Photo Day Saturday 22 Sept at Immanuel School. 
Student Led Conferences
  • Monday 24 Sept – This is an invitation for you to visit your child’s classroom and see some activities they have been doing. 
  • Book a 25 minute session between 3.45pm to 7.05pm via and enter the codenc6sx.
  • Click here to read the note sent home last week. 
No Junior Youth this Thursday or next Thursday
No Rhythm Kids next week Monday 24 Sept
Next Newsletter will be in week 10 (next Thursday 27 Sept)
Term 3 ends next Friday 28 Sept – normal dismissal time 3.25pm
It’s a Jeans for Genes Casual dress day - bring a gold coin donation
The Mayors Christmas Card 2018 Competition
  • Open for F to year 5 students
  • Entries must be returned to Immanuel School by next Thurs 27 Sept or direct to the Town of Gawler office by Fri 28 Sept
  • Entry forms have been sent home. Extra forms are available from the school office or click here
Gawler Youth holiday programs – click here to find out what you can do and how to register
End of Term 4 Arrangements
  • Our last school day for 2018 will be on Wednesday 12 December with our Graduation Service at 2pm 
  • We will be offering care arrangements  for students who need it on the Thursday 13th / Friday 14th December and more details will follow later

Monday 10 September 2018

Senior Unit Update Week 8 Term 3

Wow it's week 8 and there has been plenty of thins happening in the Senior Unit. Lets take a look at what has been going on.

Unit of Inquiry
We are coming to the close of our Energy unit and we are in the process of making models to show a renewable energy source and describe how it works. It has been great to see the new energy ideas people have and hopefully we will see these in the future. The models don't need to be working models as we aren't looking to power the state with these models but they should show the process of getting energy. We look forward to seeing the models and reading the information.
Assignments are due on Wednesday for all students.                                                                                               Solar Tower

We are starting exhibition this week. As a beginning to this there has been an excursion to Adelaide to Christie Walk where children have looked at how we can live in conjunction with the environment and become more efficient with our recycling. Our Exhibition focus is on Sharing the Planet and this excursion is a great start to the Exhibition

GLWD Book Club
Last week the GLWD book club met to discuss the book "How to Bee" by Bren MacDibble. This book was short listed for the 2018 young readers award and was the eventual winner of this section.
Our discussion on the book was a little longer than usual but was great to have. If you want to hear our discussion check it out here How to Bee book discussion. Warning story spoilers ahead.

All for now so Ciao

Last Thought
Justice is a dish best served cold because if it were served warm, it would be just water.

Monday 3 September 2018

Senior Unit Update Week 7 Term 3

Starting with a bang this week. Would like to say plenty going on and there is but I feel like we say the same thing each time so.....

- there is nothing happening iu the Senior Unit this week. (Wink wink)

So onto the news in brief.

The year 6's are investigating measurement and have chosen a task to help them practice measurement and recording data. There has been a range of activities happening and lots of refining of our measuring processes.
Some of the activities we are trying
- footy kicks
- paper plan throw
- Water trickling
- Long jump
- Vortex throw etc
We look forward to seeing great measuring and data recording.

Christie's Walk Excursion
This Friday and next Tuesday students will be travelling to Adelaide to investigate Christie's Walk. This is part of our introduction to Exhibition and will provide the students with a chance to look at concepts relating to "Sharing the Planet."
On Friday the Year 7's will be having the first visit with the Year 6's going next Tuesday. A note went home tonight with the children and it would help us to have them back as soon as possible to help with the final part of planning.
We are also looking for parent support for the day to help us achieve all that we can. If you are interested in joining us for either day, email or come in to talk to us.
It is an awesome learning experience.

Unit of Inquiry
Our latest task for UOI is to investigate a form of renewable energy and make model of it showing how it works.
This is a hands on activity and we are looking at the investigation being a great chance to explore the future of energy.

Some examples of new energy projects are

Operation Christmas Child
Today we talked about Operation Christmas Child with our classes. For more information you can check out the site here.
Operation Christmas Child
Students were fairly excited by the prospect of helping others and have taken this project on board. We would like to have them completed by the end of Week 9 making Thursday the 20th of September the final day for packing boxes.
We will put more information out over the coming weeks.

Garbage collectors are rubbish drivers!

Whole School Update Week 7 Term 3

Whole school reminders/updates:

Open Day Tour Wednesday 5 September 9.30am
  • Places still available in Foundation in 2019 – if you know of interested families please let them know.
  • If you have a sibling due to start in 2020 please ensure you have submitted their enrolment application form to secure a place.   

Sausage in a Roll lunch + a drink for $5 - this Friday 7/9 - thanks Carers Group
  • Click here for an order form and return by Weds 5/9
  • (No Subway lunch this Friday  7/9)

Worship & Praise this Friday 7 September at 9am with Mrs Chamberlain
Assembly next Monday 10 September at 2.45pm with the Year 4’s  

Concert Junior Primary F–3 students performing
  • Matinee @ 12.30pm Wednesday 19 September – no cost
  • Evening @ 6.30pm Thursday 20 September $5 / ticket (children free)
  • Order your tickets by Fri 7/9.   Click here for the booking form
  • We have now lifted the restricted number of tickets / family – so if you need to order more please do so. 

Student Free Day Friday 21 September (whole school). 
OSHC care 7am to 6pm will be provided by our staff – $25 for a full day.  Please register your interest / bookings via Jenny in the office. 

AFL Footy Competition
Thank you to those who entered our schools online footy tipping competition. Congratulations to:
1st Nathan Grieger, 2nd Justin Turnbull, 3rd Jared Semmler

End of Year Arrangements:
  • Our last school day for 2018 will be on Wednesday 12 December with our Graduation Service at 2pm. 
  • We will be offering care arrangements  for students who need it on the Thursday 13th / Friday 14th December and more details will follow later.

Coles Collectables if you have some spare items, you’re welcome to donate them for our Year 1 Maths Financial Literacy program. 

White Large Jojo Bows – Mrs Roberts is looking for 14 bows to add to her concert costumes

Scholastic Book Club
In the office is a NO NAME ORDER from Term 2.  If it’s yours please come and collect it.